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Listening with Love Monday, February 5, 2007

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1 Listening with Love Monday, February 5, 2007
Here are two excerpts from my daily reflections during my practicum placements. They exemplify my personal teaching philosophy of listening with love. Monday, February 5, 2007 Wednesday, December 5, 2007 “Miss Trevisan, I witnessed something terrible yesterday.” I couldn’t believe my ears when he explained what was happening at home. He felt very comfortable to explain the details of the events. I lovingly gave him my utmost attention and allowed him to share with me the hardships his mother was facing with his step-father. I assured him that whenever he needed someone to listen, he could count on me. Throughout the following weeks he often found a time to unload some of his worries. He was very glad to know that I cared about his family and would keep them in my prayers. “Miss Trevisan, I want to talk to you about something personal.” I told her that I would listen and I crouched down to her level. She explained some devastating details about her parents’ divorce. I let her talk while I listened to her story. She was very upset and was crying and yet, she seemed very happy to hear that I would pray for her and her family. Over the next few weeks she shared her struggles with me as I listened attentively and offered support. She loved to hear that someone cared about her life.

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