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Presentation on theme: "URINARY SYSTEM."— Presentation transcript:


2 List the functions of the urinary system.

3 What is the function of the kidneys?


5 Label the major kidney structures.
Text page 581

6 What do the ureters do?, the bladder? The urethra?

7 What is the function of the renal pelvis of the kidney? Label it.

8 What is the function of the renal pyramids? Label a section.

9 What is the function of the nephron?

10 Label the Nephron

11 What is the purpose of a renal corpuscle
What is the purpose of a renal corpuscle? What is the arteriole entering called?

12 What is the name of the arteriole exiting
What is the name of the arteriole exiting? What two parts make up the renal corpuscle?

13 What are the slits in the capillaries called?

14 Put these in the order they occur in the nephron
Put these in the order they occur in the nephron. DCT, PCT, descending limb, ascending limb, loop of Henle, collecting tubule, glomerulus.

15 What is the difference between filtration, reabsorption, and secretion as it happens in the nephron and where does each take place?

16 The volume of urine is influenced by which of the following?
Blood pressure Blood concentration Temperature Diuretics Emotions

17 Does urine have an odor or is it odorless?

18 What is another name for urination
What is another name for urination? mastication maceration micturition deglutition

19 Which of these involves water? Diabetes insipidus Diabetes mellitus

20 What is renal ptosis? What does UTI stand for?

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