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Extreme Survival Take two Year 3 – Term 6 ENGLISH

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1 Extreme Survival Take two Year 3 – Term 6 ENGLISH
As Writers, we will be using our class text (Oliver and the Seawigs – Phillip Reeve) to invent a new island. We will develop reasons why someone might want to visit it, practise persuasive phrases and create an advert for our creations. As well as this, we will be writing narratives which include some well-known characters – Mr Culpeper, Iris and Oliver. We will be writing settings using the new places we have discovered and describing the humorous characters in the book at the same time. MATHEMATICS As Mathematicians, we will be calculating with number to understand vital elements of survival. We will be answering questions which require us to understand what we would need to drink, how long we would be able to sleep, how heavy our backpacks could be and what shape shelter would be best. This will be alongside our usual maths lessons. ENGLISH As Readers, we will be delving deep into our class text. We will be learning sections by heart again with actions like last term and use this strategy to help us collect interesting phrases and vocabulary. We will also be learning a variety of poetry types which include Haiku, Acrostic and Kennings. These will provide a basis for our descriptions of wild environments. This will be alongside our usual reading sessions where we will continue to interrogate short texts and infer from them. Extreme Survival Take two Year 3 – Term 6 P.E (Wednesday) As Netballers, we will learn to find and use space in order to keep possession. We will develop our basic understanding of a passing game and learn how to score goals using a variety of passes. In games, we will be practising these skills to outwit our opponents and get in a good position in order to shoot. Please ensure that your child has a full PE kit including trainers. Children will be completing lessons outside if the weather is fine. SCIENCE As Scientists, we will be learning about animals including humans. We will take a deeper look into what types of skeletons different animals have and how living things require different types of nutrition to survive. We will be carrying out investigations which require us to collect data about humans and present this data in a graph. COMPUTING As Computer scientists, we will be using a range of software to create content in the form of an edited video. We will collect information, provide commentary and source images and effects for our final video. This sequence will help us understand the wide variety of roles needed to create a finished piece of media. HISTORY As Historians, we will continue investigating how civilizations survived in the past and how those techniques have changed through time. ART As Designers, we will be creating a variety of harsh environments using our shading and colour fading skills. We will display these as our final theme artworks. WIDER CURRICULUM This term we have number of exciting events happening in school: Fife lessons every Tuesday Sports day – 21st June Y3 Computing day – 12th June

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