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2.1 - IESS Framework Regulation update And implementation for SILC

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1 2.1 - IESS Framework Regulation update And implementation for SILC

2 - Precision requirements (incl. regional) (Annex II)
IESS IESS defines: Domains; topics; detailed topics, e.g.: health; health status … health determinants; smoking – (Art 3 & Annex I) Statistical populations, sampling frames, units, sources, quality (Art 5, 8, 11, 12 & Annex III) Specifications of data sets; increase for variables 1st implementation 5%, later changes (over 4 years) detailed topics  5%, variables 10% (Art 5a, 6) - Periodicities, transmission and deadlines (Art 4, 7, 9, 10 & Annexes IV and V) - Precision requirements (incl. regional) (Annex II)

3 Main survey characteristics for SILC already defined under IESS
shorter deadlines for data transmissions (December N for survey N, income N-1), reformulated precision requirements, national and regional (AROPE) + longitudinal (persistent AROP) data collected with 3 frequencies: yearly (nucleus), every 3 years and 6 years (rolling modules) and on ad hoc basis (new policy needs modules) duration of the panel: 4 years, 6 years possible

4 Standardised definitions
IESS For the implementation and details of its elements, IESS plans delegated and implementing acts, either horizontal (for all surveys) or domain/survey specific Horizontal acts Delegated: Multiannual Planning over 8 years (art 4) Topics (changes, art 3) Implementing: Standardised definitions & variables ("all domains") (art 6)+ Quality reports (general) (art 12) For each domain LFS, SILC, HBS, EHIS, AES & ICT but with the same structure: Delegated acts (art. 5a of IESS) on number & names variables Implementing acts (art 6, 7 and 12 of IESS)

5 SILC Implementing Regulation
Subjects (detailed) – art 6: Definitions and characteristics (units, scope, sample, collection) Characteristics of variables (Nucleus + rolling, new policy needs modules separately) Tracing rules (longitudinal) Imputations, substitutions + Data transmission – art 7 + Quality reports details - art 12 Aims: Simplifying and cleaning/integrating (none since 2003) Reinforcing quality and comparability Priority (IESS): timeliness, precision), rolling modules and longitudinal (optional More details: in guidelines (not regulated)

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