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To Kill a Mockingbird Anticipation Statements

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1 To Kill a Mockingbird Anticipation Statements

2 Directions: Paper folding
Take out a sheet of paper Fold your paper in half, fold it in half again so you have four squares Open it up and then neatly rip the sheet of paper into four equal squares

3 Directions: Labeling At the top of each of the four squares, legibly write the following: Letter A, B, C, D. Your name The prompt (on the next slide) Save most of the front side of your sheet for your response DO NOT WRITE ON THE BACK SIDE

4 Sample: Odd number Front Side Back Side #1 Sarah Osberg
Prompt: A hero is born, not made. Written response here… Save this side for your discussion responses

5 Write one of the following prompts on SQUARE A
All humankind are created equal. Some words are so offensive that they should never be stated or written. Under our justice system, all citizens are treated fairly in our courts of law.

6 Write one of the following prompts on SQUARE B
The old saying “Sticks and stones may break your bones, but words will never hurt you” is true. Real courage is not always visible. One dedicated person can make a difference. Education can defeat poverty.

7 Write one of the following prompts on SQUARE C
School often gets in the way of education People should be judged by first appearances. Girls should act like girls. When the law does not succeed in punishing criminals, citizens should do so

8 Write one of the following prompts on SQUARE D
Role models are crucial to the development of children. No one is above the law. Speaking standard grammar prove a person is smart. Hardship is necessary in order to grow and develop.

9 Directions: Writing Responses
Respond to the following prompt in one of two ways Write whether you agree or disagree and why Draw a response to the prompt, showing whether you agree or disagree (you will explain your drawing in discussion) You must have two written responses and two drawn responses, but you may choose which ones to write / draw See samples on next slide

10 Sample: Written Response
Front Side Back Side #1 John Deere A hero is born, not made. I agree that a hero is born, not made. There are some qualities that people are born with—we are built to have compassion, collaboration, a desire to help others, all of which are qualities of a hero. Save this side for your discussion responses After listening to my peers, I actually think a hero is made, not born. While we may be born with these qualities, we don’t always use them… After listening to my peers, I still believe that heroes are born, not made. We have these qualities in us from the beginning, and heroes make the conscious choice to use them. We can all be heroes.

11 Sample: Drawn Response
Back Side Front Side Save this side for your discussion responses After listening to my peers, I still agree. Man and woman were born differently because we are meant to bring different qualities into the world. If girls act like boys, then we lose this diversity. After listening to my peers, I strongly disagree. While some things are more normal for girls or boys, girls can play with trucks and boys can cry—it doesn’t make someone more or less manly or womanly. The more we break gender expectations, the better our society will be. #2 Kerry Washington Girls should act like girls.

12 Directions: Discussion and Reflection
In your small groups, discuss your responses to the prompt. First share your response to the prompt. If other people had the same prompt as you, share those as well. Do you think that your perception is shared by all people? Why or why not? Take the last minute to reflect on your discussion: On the back side of that square (label it accordingly, ABCD), write your position after discussion. Is it the same or did it changed? What caused it to stay or change?

13 Write one of the following prompts on SQUARE A
All humankind are created equal. Some words are so offensive that they should never be stated or written. Under our justice system, all citizens are treated fairly in our courts of law.

14 Write one of the following prompts on SQUARE B
The old saying “Sticks and stones may break your bones, but words will never hurt you” is true. Real courage is not always visible. One dedicated person can make a difference. Education can defeat poverty.

15 Write one of the following prompts on SQUARE C
School often gets in the way of education People should be judged by first appearances. Girls should act like girls. When the law does not succeed in punishing criminals, citizens should do so

16 Write one of the following prompts on SQUARE D
Role models are crucial to the development of children. No one is above the law. Speaking standard grammar prove a person is smart. Hardship is necessary in order to grow and develop.

17 What do these images have in common?

18 One dedicated person can make a difference.
Can you think of people in your own life or in history who have made a difference as one person? What qualities does this person possess in order to make a difference? Is it necessary to have a following in order to make a difference? How does change happen?

19 Atticus Finch

20 Sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me.
Can you think of an example when words caused more damage to a person than physical harm? How do the words that you use in your daily language affect you and those around you? What can we do as young adults to change the way we speak to ourselves and others? Do you think that changing our language can change a culture of behavior? How does the language you use with social media affect your life and the lives of others?

21 The N-Word

22 Role models are crucial to the development of children.
How do you select your role models? Do you think that someone ever stops being a role model? What responsibility do you have to others as a role model? Do you think you always know that you are role model? Do role models typically tend to be famous people or people who are more closely linked to your life?

23 Miss Maudie Atticus

24 Courage is only real if it is visible.
What does courage look like? What are different types of courage? Does courage have to be a grand act? What are ways that you can choose to be courageous in school?

25 Girls should act like girls. Boys should act like boys.
Are there specific tasks or roles that should be reserved for girls or boys? Even if you disagree, what are some ways that society reinforces gender stereotypes? Are there certain pressures from society to act a certain way? Do we also have to try to break gender stereotypes, or is it okay to “act like a girl” or “act like a boy?”

26 Scout Aunt Alexandra

27 School often gets in the way of education.
What is the difference between school and education? What can you learn from experience that you cannot learn is school? Is school an experience itself? If you were not required to go to school, how would you spend your time?

28 Scout

29 Hardship is necessary in order to grow and develop.
Does hardship itself cause people to grow? Does anything else need to be present in order to grow from an experience? Can you grow and develop without experiencing hardship? Is hardship the only thing that helps you grow? Or does it just help you grow faster?

30 Nobody is above the law. Are there any people who are exceptions to this rule? How do the laws differ when applied to some groups of people vs. others? What are some specific examples of this?

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