Save $$$, Get Comfortable Home Performance with Energy Star® (HPwES) nhsaves energy solutions for new hampshire.

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Presentation on theme: "Save $$$, Get Comfortable Home Performance with Energy Star® (HPwES) nhsaves energy solutions for new hampshire."— Presentation transcript:

1 Save $$$, Get Comfortable Home Performance with Energy Star® (HPwES) nhsaves energy solutions for new hampshire

2 1. Go to the Home Performance with ENERGY STAR ® qualification siteHome Performance with ENERGY STAR ® 2. Enter info here (see details below), then click on Calculate Enter your homes zip code and conditioned square footage (unconditioned: unfinished basement or portion thereof, screened porch, garage, etc.), plus the amount of fuel(s) – up to 2 types - used to heat your home for the last 12 months. If you use the same fuel for heat and hot water, estimate the amount for heating only.

3 Click here If your Home Heating Index computes to 8 or higher, your home likely qualifies for weatherization services. Click on enrollment form.

4 1. Fill out the enrollment form, with name, address, phone, and utility account # (add natural gas account #, if thats your heating fuel). 2. Click bullet holes for electric provider (if your heat is natural gas, click on the provider of that), primary heat type, hot water type, building type, year round or seasonal, own or rent. 3. Enter the age of the home and the number of household members. 4. Click on Print

5 1. Print the form and sign it. 2. Make hard copies of bills and/or receipts that show the last two years of your homes fuel usage history. 3. Mail the signed enrollment form and the fuel usage information to the address provided for your utility. nhsaves energy solutions for new hampshire

6 Do you have questions, require assistance, or want to determine HPwES eligibility via phone? Call your electric or natural gas utility: Those of you who possess scanning capability and know-how: you may scan your signed enrollment form and fuel usage history report (2 full years) to PDF format, and then attach the PDF packet to an email addressed to the HPwES program administrator at your electric or gas utility. UtilityHPwES Program AdministratorAdministrators Email Address PSNHGordon UnitilBenjamin NHECPhil LibertyBob PSNH: 1-800-639-6060 Unitil: 1-800-852-3339 NH Electric Cooperative (NHEC): 1-800-698-2007 Liberty Utilities: 1-866-691-1707 Another great contact for assistance or to review your application: Rich or Janel Burns, or Mark Cave at Shakes to Shingles 603-415-1115 or 1-800 -533-8116

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