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Build it! A Whole New World Year 2 Term 6 ENGLISH

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1 Build it! A Whole New World Year 2 Term 6 ENGLISH
As Writers, we will begin by reading Disney’s ‘Aladdin’. We shall describe the main characters by creating a ‘Wanted poster’ as well as describing settings from within the new movie. We will design our own magic carpet and write instructions on how to fly it. We shall finally create a fictional travel brochure on Agrabah. Later in the term we shall read the final instalment of the Aaron Becker trilogy ‘The Return’ before writing our own story based on this. Towards the end of the term, we shall explore poetry linked to our world and materials . Learning poems and riddles by heart to perform to our class and a younger audience. MATHEMATICS As Mathematicians, we will be developing our knowledge of counting in 3’s. We shall be securing our knowledge of the four operations by solving problems involving addition, subtraction, division and multiplication linked to our theme. Through science, we shall practice our measuring skills by choosing and using the appropriate standard units to estimate and measure length/height (m/cm); mass (kg/g); temperature (°C); capacity (litres/ml) to the nearest appropriate unit, using rulers, scales, thermometers and measuring vessels. READING As Readers, we will be looking at a range of fiction texts linked to our topic. We will be developing our oracy skills by reading our own stories to an audience, presenting to the class and performing poems by heart. HISTORY As Historians, we shall be studying ‘Great Inventors’ who have been at the forefront of inventing materials which have changed our world. We shall learn about Charles Macintosh and his invention of waterproof material, John Boyd Dunlop and his invention of the Pneumatic wheel and John McAdam and the invention of Tarmac. P.E (Wednesday) As Competitors, children will further develop their understanding of the basic and fundamental principles of invasion games such as attacking, defending, scoring and teamwork. They will learn how to dribble with a football, to pass and receive the ball in a variety of ways for a range of invasion games and to use space effectively in a game. Please ensure that your child has a full PE kit including trainers. Children will be completing lessons outside if the weather is fine. SCIENCE As Scientists, we will learn about the uses of everyday materials including wood, plastic, metal, glass, brick, paper and cardboard. We will go on to compare the suitability of different everyday materials for different purposes. We will explore how objects made of some everyday materials can change shape and how the recycling process enables us to reuse some everyday materials numerous times. GEOGRAPHY As Geographers, we will take a broad look at the world around us, beginning by investigating natural and manmade materials in our local area. Linked to our theme, we shall take a short look at Saudi Arabia and learn about it’s Land, Mecca and Medina, Animals and religion. We shall then create a short travel brochure about Saudi Arabia and an information poster about Dromedary camels. Computing As Computer technicians, we will complete two entire days of online exploration. We shall start as ‘Game Testers’, playing various online games and trying to work out how they work by exploring the algorithms used to write the programmes. We shall then become ‘Researchers’ using the internet to research ‘Great inventor’s and compiling a mind map before creating a PowerPoint to share our findings with the class. ART As Artists, we will be using everyday materials in a variety of ways to create our own prints. We shall start by using vegetables to create repeated patterns, we will then use polystyrene to create an Aladdin inspired lamp print. We shall also create Aladdin’s treasure using aluminium foil techniques. Build it! A Whole New World Year 2 Term 6 WIDER CURRICULUM This term we have number of exciting events happening in school: 21st June Sports Day 5th July Summer Fair SCHOOL TRIP – SS Great Britain Friday 12th July

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