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RC325C Personnel Protection during Fluoroscopic Procedures

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1 RC325C Personnel Protection during Fluoroscopic Procedures
(Title slide) Beth Schueler, PhD, Mayo Clinic Rochester, MN

2 Learning Objectives For staff performing fluoroscopically-guided interventional procedures: Summarize typical radiation exposure levels Understand issues related to lens exposure Learn about new shielding devices and techniques Review practical rules for occupational dose reduction I’m going to focus our discussion particularly to staff performing fluoro-guided interventional procedures And protection of the eye 11/29/2011 Schueler RC325C

3 Operator Exposure During Interventional Fluoroscopy Procedures
Procedure Type Mean Dose per Procedure (µSv) Neck Lens Effective Mixed general IR1 50-325 300 1-5 Cerebral angiography/embolization1 10-30 15 0.5-2 Vertebroplasty1 220 80 10 PCI2 10-130 10-170 0.2-11 Cardiac ablation2 8-200 50-320 0.2-6 First, let’s take a look at typical dose levels for this group. This table lists data from several publications where operator dose was measured for a sample to individual procedures. Areas monitored are the neck or collar over a lead apron and lens of the eye not accounting for use of lead protective eyewear. Mean doses per procedure can reach as high as 325 microSv for the neck and lens. Effective doses, which account for shielding provided by a lead apron, are generally 1-10 microSv NCRP 168: Table 5.1 p. 118 1. NCRP 168. Radiation Dose Management for Fluoroscopically-guided Interventional Procedures, 2011. 2. Kim KP, et al. Health Physics 2008; 94:211–227.

4 Typical Operator Exposure Levels
Annual doses for a workload of 1000 procedures per year: Mean Annual Dose (mSv) Lens Effective Published Occupational Doses 10-325 0.2-11 Annual Dose Limit (US) 1 150 50 Annual Dose Limit (International) 2 20 (averaged over 5 years) Potential for doses exceeding regulatory dose limits exists To translate these individual procedure doses into annual dose, let’s assume a busy workload for an interventionalist of 1000 procedures in a year. We can see that the potential exists for very high dose levels. Even exceeding regulatory limits for the lens if no additional shielding is used. 1. NCRP 116. Limitation of Exposure to Ionizing Radiation, 1993. 2. ICRP

5 New ICRP Guideline on Lens Exposure*
Lower threshold for cataract formation: 0.5 Gy (previous threshold 2-5 Gy) Lower occupational eye dose limit is recommended: 20 mSv/yr averaged over 5 years with no year > 50 mSv *International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) Statement on tissue reactions. April 21, Lens dose is of particular concern. Not only are the levels potentially exceeding current regulatory limits but. The International commission on radiological Protection has recently released a new guideline on lens exposure, published in April of this year. New research suggests a lower threshold Significantly lower than current regulatory dose limit of 150 mSv/yr 11/29/2011 Schueler RC325C

6 Lowered Radiation-Induced Cataract Threshold Dose
Problems found with earlier cataract studies: Short follow-up period – latency period is longer for low doses Insufficient sensitivity to detect early lens changes Few subjects with low lens dose Recent additional significant studies indicate lower threshold: Chernobyl nuclear reactor accident clean-up workers1 US radiologic technologists2 1. Worgul BV, et al. Radiat Res 2007; 167:233–243. 2. Chodick G, et al. Am J Epdiemiol 2008; 168:620–631. To lo 11/29/2011 Schueler RC325C

7 Cataracts in Fluoroscopy Operators
In a survey of 59 interventional radiologists, 5 had posterior subcapsular cataracts (PSCs) 1 In a survey of 42 interventional cardiologists, 17 had PSCs 2 1. Junk A. et al, RSNA 2004 Annual Meeting 2. Information and Preliminary results of the IAEA Cataract Study Retrospective Evaluation of Lens Injuries and Dose (RELID) 2009, Study detailed in June 2004 issue of RSNA News PSCs are thought to be more likely to be caused by radiation exposure. Cataract formation is typically seen in the anterior pole of the lens. 11/29/2011 Schueler RC325C

8 Lens Dose Estimation Potential high dose levels require lens exposure monitoring or accurate estimation Monitoring at or near the eye is difficult Estimation from a neck dosimeter dose reading is a more practical solution Published occupational dose studies utilized TLDs or other dosimeters placed on an operators forehead or glasses. Compliance is problematic on a daily basis Photo reference: Harstall Spine 2005 Harstall R, et al. Spine 2005; 30: 11/29/2011 Schueler RC325C

9 Lens Dose Estimation Under-table X-ray Tube: Lens:Neck 0.5 – 0.7
4 2 1 0.5 0.25 mGy/hr Under-table X-ray Tube: Lens:Neck 0.5 – 0.7 Over-table X-ray Tube: Lens:Neck 1.0 – 1.2 For a typical configuration with the x-ray tube under the table, the lens dose will be lower than the collar badge reading. For the config shown here, lens: collar dose is about However, if the x-ray tube is placed overhead, the lens dose can actually be higher than the collar reading. 11/29/2011 Schueler RC325C

10 Lens Dose Estimation Actual Lens:Neck dose ratio varies with C-arm angulation and operator position For typical under-table x-ray tube configurations, the collar dosimeter reading provides conservative estimate of the lens dose 11/29/2011 Schueler RC325C

11 Lens Exposure Reduction
Shielding specific to eye and head protection: - Leaded eyewear - Ceiling-mounted shields So, now we’ve settled on a way to estimate the lens dose, what can be done to lower the dose when it is too high. Overall any dose reduction technique will also reduce lens exposure. Ed has already reviewed this earlier this morning. Techniques available to specifically shield the eyes and head include Shield photo – mavig website 11/29/2011 Schueler RC325C

12 Leaded Eyewear Typical lead equivalent thickness of radiation protective eyewear is 0.75 mm 98% attenuation or attenuation factor = 50 Actual lens dose is higher due to Backscatter from head Exposure from the side and from below the protective lenses 11/29/2011 Schueler RC325C

13 Eye Exposure Conditions
Photo – SIR web page Operator is looking as display monitor during fluoroscopy. Head is at an angle to scatter source. Exposure to the lens is from the side and below and not directly through the front of the lenses Therefore, the effectiveness of leaded eyewear at reducing lens exposure depends not only on the lead equivalent thickness of the lenses, but also on the eyewear design and the position of the operator 11/29/2011 Schueler RC325C

14 Leaded Eyewear Effectiveness Comparison
Traditional style 0.75 mm lead-equivalent 120 g 28 cm2 surface area Sport-wrap style 0.75 mm lead-equivalent 59 g 16 cm2 surface area A study was conducted to compare the attenuation factor of 3 styles of leaded eyewear 11/29/2011 Schueler RC325C

15 Leaded Eyewear Effectiveness Comparison
Panoramic Shield 0.07 mm lead-equivalent acrylic 43 g 50 cm2 surface area 11/29/2011 Schueler RC325C

16 Leaded Eyewear Effectiveness Comparison
Lens dose measured on a head phantom angled at 0, 45 and 90 to the scatter source to mimic the range of operator locations possible 0 deg angle is for the head phantom oriented directly toward the scatter source 11/29/2011 Schueler RC325C

17 Leaded Eyewear Effectiveness Comparison
Style Attenuation Factor 0 Angle 45 Angle 90 Angle Traditional 10 5 4 Sport-wrap 8 4.5 1.5 Panoramic Shield 2.5 2 10 8 2.5 4 1.5 Animate colors Here are the results. the attenuation factor is the ratio of the lens dose without glasses / lens dose with glasses First note that At 0 angle, note that attenuation factor is well below expected for 0.75 mm lead equivalent which is about 50. This shows the contribution from backscatter from the head. The reduced attenuation factor of the Sport-wrap style is expected due its smaller lens size and the reduced attenuation factor for the pan shield is due to its lower lead content only 0.07 mm. But 0 angle is not relevant clinically since the head is angled to the source of x-rays. At a 45 and 90 angle, attenuation drops due to the contribution from side exposure. The styles with larger side shields provide sufficient coverage up to 90 deg but the sport wrap style provides only minimal coverage at 90 deg 11/29/2011 Schueler RC325C

18 Leaded Eyewear Recommendations
Adequate side shields or wrap-around design is essential Radiation attenuation factor for typical configuration is between 2 and 5 Leaded eyewear alone may be insufficient for high exposure conditions if 20 mSv/yr lens dose limit is implemented Recall highest dose procedures up to mSv annually 11/29/2011 Schueler RC325C

19 Ceiling-Mounted Shields
Overhead lead shields provide head and neck protection in addition to lens protection May be cumbersome for certain procedures: C-arm angulation Biliary/transjugular access Another option for lens dose reduction is ceiling mounted shields 11/29/2011 Schueler RC325C

20 Ceiling-Mounted Shield Effectiveness
When it is possible to use them, it is worth the added exam complexity to position and adjust? Up to factor of 6-9 dose reduction is possible with optimal placement. Poor placement provides less than a factor of 2 protection Taking into account potentially poor shield placement, lens doses may still exceed regulatory limits, especially if they are reduced to 20 mSv/yr Fetterly KA, et al. JACC Intv 2011;4: 11/29/2011 Schueler RC325C

21 Lens Exposure Reduction
Leaded Eyewear Ceiling- Mounted Shield Eyewear + Shield But, a Combination of both eyewear and shield is recommended for maximum dose reduction is the best approach resulting in a 20 fold lens dose reduction 11/29/2011

22 Learning Objectives For staff performing fluoroscopically-guided interventional procedures: Summarize typical radiation exposure levels Understand issues related to lens exposure Learn about new shielding devices and techniques Review practical rules for occupational dose reduction 11/29/2011 Schueler RC325C

23 Orthopedic Complications from Lead Apron Use
Back pain was reported by 50-75% of interventional physicians surveyed * Compare to incidence of 27% in US adults 25-30% reported that back problems had limited their work Options for relief Lightweight aprons Vest/kilt design We all know lead aprons are heavy and when worn all day, every day back problems commonly result * Klein LW, et al. J Vasc Interv Radiol 2009; 20:147–152. 11/29/2011 Schueler RC325C

24 Lightweight Protective Aprons
Weight reduction of 20-30% possible McCaffrey JP, et al. Med Phys 2007;34:530-7. Multiple lead composite and lead-free materials have been developed using other high atomic number shielding materials such as barium, tin, or tungsten, bismuth 11/29/2011 Schueler RC325C

25 Radiation Protection Cabin
Provides whole-body shielding from an external support system Include head and neck protection Eliminates need for lead apron thyroid shield leaded eyewear other ceiling-mounted or mobile shields Another device that is now being sold is the radiation protection cabin 11/29/2011 Schueler RC325C

26 Radiation Protection Cabin
ZeroGravity Apron: 1.25 mm lead equivalent lead front, 0.5 mm sides and arm flaps Lead plex face shield: 0.5 mm lead – protects eyes and head Suspended from ceiling mount or mobile column and boom – shown here Sterile drapes shown Operator can move and disengage from cabin as needed Marichal DA, et al. J Vasc Interv Radiol 2011; 22: 11/29/2011 Schueler RC325C

27 Radiation Protection Cabin
Marichal DA, et al. J Vasc Interv Radiol 2011; 22: Operator dose for a Simulated procedure compared to use of a 0.5 mm lead apron. Factor of dose reduction to eyes 11/29/2011 Schueler RC325C

28 Radiation Protection Cabin
Here is a different cabin design Cathpax 2 mm lead plex walls Mobile on wheels Dragusin O, et al. Eur Heart J 2007; 28:183–189. 11/29/2011 Schueler RC325C

29 Radiation Protection Cabin
Protective Garment Mean Dose per Procedure (µSv) Face Waist Lead Apron Only 102 3 Protection Cabin 2 1 Dragusin O, et al. Eur Heart J 2007; 28(2),183–189. Mean dose for 40 ablation procedures similar dose reduction amounts These devices can provide an effective alternative for physicians who have problems with wearing a lead apron 11/29/2011 Schueler RC325C

30 Radiation Protective Drapes
Placed on patient surface, sterile, disposable Various sizes, shapes and cut-outs for different procedures Exposure reduction factors measured: Eyes: 12, Thyroid: 25, Hands: 29 King JN, et al. AJR 2002; 178:153–157. Photos – BW: King Color: Radpad website – ID covered Particularly useful for procedures where a ceiling-mounted shield cannot be used Also useful for hand dose reduction for procedures where hands need to be near the exposure field 11/29/2011 Schueler RC325C

31 Learning Objectives For staff performing fluoroscopically-guided interventional procedures: Summarize typical radiation exposure levels Understand issues related to lens exposure Learn about new shielding devices and techniques Review practical rules for occupational dose reduction 11/29/2011 Schueler RC325C

32 Practical Rules for Dose Reduction
Minimize fluoroscopy time and number of fluorographic images acquired Last-image-hold Fluoroscopy loop recording Reduced acquisition frame rates Virtual collimation All these will also reduce patient dose 11/29/2011 Schueler RC325C

33 Practical Rules for Dose Reduction
Minimize fluoroscopy time and number of fluorographic images acquired Use available patient dose reduction technologies Pulsed fluoroscopy at low frame rates Low dose rate settings Spectral beam filtration Increased minimum kVp Grid removal All these will also reduce patient dose 11/29/2011 Schueler RC325C 33 33

34 Practical Rules for Dose Reduction
Minimize fluoroscopy time and number of fluorographic images acquired Use available patient dose reduction technologies Use good imaging-chain geometry All these will also reduce patient dose 11/29/2011 Schueler RC325C 34 34

35 Practical Rules for Dose Reduction
Minimize fluoroscopy time and number of fluorographic images acquired Use available patient dose reduction technologies Use good imaging-chain geometry Use collimation to the area of interest All these will also reduce patient dose 11/29/2011 Schueler RC325C 35 35

36 Practical Rules for Dose Reduction
Minimize fluoroscopy time and number of fluorographic images acquired Use available patient dose reduction technologies Use good imaging-chain geometry Use collimation to the area of interest Use all available information to plan the interventional procedure CT, MR, US to define anatomy 11/29/2011 Schueler RC325C 36 36

37 Practical Rules for Dose Reduction
Position yourself in a low-scatter area Schueler RC325C 11/29/2011

38 Practical Rules for Dose Reduction
Position yourself in a low-scatter area Use protective shielding 11/29/2011 Schueler RC325C 38

39 Practical Rules for Dose Reduction
Position yourself in a low-scatter area Use protective shielding Use appropriate fluoroscopic imaging equipment Optimized for the procedure and body part High dose procedures should utilize fluoroscopy equipment with dose reduction technologies and dose display 11/29/2011 Schueler RC325C 39

40 Practical Rules for Dose Reduction
Position yourself in a low-scatter area Use protective shielding Use appropriate fluoroscopic imaging equipment Obtain appropriate training Operators should be thoroughly familiar with the particular equipment used Residents and fellows should be trained in safe operating procedures 11/29/2011 Schueler RC325C 40

41 Practical Rules for Dose Reduction
Position yourself in a low-scatter area Use protective shielding Use appropriate fluoroscopic imaging equipment Obtain appropriate training Wear radiation monitoring dosimeters and review your dose reports Wear badges assigned to them to monitor their radiation dose 11/29/2011 Schueler RC325C 41

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