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2 FACTS 1-The binturong is a medium sized carnivore.
Common Name: Kingdom: FACTS 1-The binturong is a medium sized carnivore. 2-It is found in south-east Asia. 3-They have long snouts and lots of sharp teeth. 4-the binturong is now very rare and they are hard to find in the thick rainforests. 5-there are 9 different species of binturong and are easily distinguished by their size A baby binturong

3 Some adaptations of the binturong are:
1-like the sloth they have sharp claws that can grip to trees while they are climbing. 2-with their tails they can manoeuvre in various different ways. 3-their short legs help them stay close to the branches. Pregnancy: Pregnancy or gestation periods usually last for three months. Females will probably give birth to 2 or more young at a time. Baby binturongs are full size within 2 months of their births. They live up to 15 years but in captivity they can live up to 20 one individual lived up to 26 years old.


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