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Presentation on theme: "Coagulation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Coagulation

2 Coagulation Blood Clotting
Very complex process Balance between clotting factors—some promote coagulation and some inhibit it Normally anticoagulants prevail but in trauma or injury, coagulation factors increase and clotting occurs

3 Process of coagulation when tissue damage occurs
Prothrombin activator produced (depended on calcium) Prothrombin converted to thrombin Thrombin acts as an enzyme—causes reaction in fibrinogen Fibrinogen molecules join forming fibrin

4 Fibrin sticks to the edge of damaged blood vessels and form meshwork for platelets and blood cells—blood clot forms

5 Once the clot appears—promotes more clotting—positive feedback mechanism—thrombin causes more prothrombin—causes more thrombin Unstable condition Movement of blood normally prevents massive clot formations

6 Clotting ceases when clot comes in contact with moving blood
Plasma protein is released which digests fibrin threads—most clots dissolve in time Embolus—dislodged or fragment of clot abnormally in vessel—moves until it becomes lodged in small vessel—interferes with blood flow to the area



9 Blood groups Antigens Proteins on rbc membrane surface A, B, Rh

10 Antibody a. Proteins in plasma b. Anti A, Anti B are formed naturally Rh group a. Anti Rh does not appear spontaneously—only after exposure


12 ABO Blood Groups Type Antigen Antibody A Anti B B Anti A O None
Anti A, Anti B AB A and B none

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