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Warning about the outbreak

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1 Warning about the outbreak
Mrs. Minks World Geography Warning about the outbreak

2 Introduction In this project, you will learn to create regions to get warnings about the zombies out there to the right people and places.

3 Introduction Project Goal: Show your ability to create regions and display regions on a map. Driving question: How are regions created and how can they help inform our decisions? You will produce: a map displaying regions used to warn citizens of a zombie attack. You will explain: the criteria used for making regions & the different types of regions

4 Warm-up: Pre-assessment
As you enter the classroom, quietly pick up a pre-assessment from the second desk under the white boards and begin work. Turn it into the usual place when you are finished. Remember: when you come into class be prepared to work quietly. If you still have things to say to your friends step into the hall until the bell rings.

5 By the end of this project, you’ll be able to answer these questions:
What is a region? Why do we use regions? What are the different types of regions? What is the criteria for making a region? How do you create regions? How can you display regions on a map? What do you think is the best way to warn people about the zombie apocalypse?

6 First things first…

7 Defining regions Think/Pair/Share: What is a region? How do we use regions? Definition: A region is an area of the world that has definable characteristics but not always fixed boundaries. -OR- An area that shares similiarites.

8 Example: region based on language

9 Example: region based on religion

10 Example: region based on climate

11 Example: region based on transportation

12 Example: region based on ideas

13 Create a region Using the blank map of the U.S. come up with as many ways that you could break your country up into regions. Base the regions on any criteria you want (climate, religion, transportation, ideas, etc.)

14 Region exit ticket You have learned about regions. Reflect on what you have learned. Consider what you still want to know. Answer these questions: Define Region Give an example of a region

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