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American Institute of Chemical Engineers UNH Student Chapter

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Presentation on theme: "American Institute of Chemical Engineers UNH Student Chapter"— Presentation transcript:

1 American Institute of Chemical Engineers UNH Student Chapter

2 What is AIChE? The American Institute for Chemical Engineers is a global professional organization for chemical engineers: -Provide career development through products, services, networking, and advocacy. -Free student memberships with many, many benefits! - Local student chapters, regional conferences, national networking.

3 Student Memberships -AIChE eLibrary (textbooks, databases)
- AIChE Academy --eLearning courses and webinars -- professional certifications -AIChE Engage (online networking platform) -Virtual Career Fairs -Job and internship search support -Scholarships and awards

4 UNH Student Chapter Our Mission:
Provide professional development opportunities for Chemical and Bio- Engineering students through workshops, guest speakers, field trips, and bi-weekly meetings. Foster a strong working community in the Chemical and Bio- Engineering department by connecting students with faculty members, tutors, mentors, and classmates.

5 Involvement UDay Recruitment CEPS Day Recruitment Wildcat Link
Facebook page

6 Pizza with Professors UNH AIChE

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