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United Post 180 Gresham, Oregon 5 February 2019.

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Presentation on theme: "United Post 180 Gresham, Oregon 5 February 2019."— Presentation transcript:

1 United Post 180 Gresham, Oregon 5 February 2019

2 Post 180 Agenda Opening Ceremony Roll Call of Officers
Call for Vote on New Members Adjutant’s Report Quartermaster’s Report Service Officer’s Report Committee Reports Remembrance and National Home Old (Unfinished) Business New Business Good of the Order Closing Ceremony

3 Opening ceremony Officers Take Posts Member Verification
Salute the Colors Opening Prayer Pledge of Allegiance Conduct of Business VIP / Guests New Member Applications

4 General Orders General Orders General Order 7 dtd February 2019

5 Minutes Adjutant Report Corrections, Additions, Deletions
Motion to Accept the Minutes

6 Quartermaster’s Report
Quartermaster Report Post Financial Report Heroes Memorial Financial Report Total Motion to Accept the Quartermaster Report (Pending Trustee Audit)

7 Service Officers’ Report
Wounded Warrior Parking Pass At this time it is a sticker affixed to the Disability Placard Veterans in Distress David Weberg Dennis Lindoff

8 Committee Reports Building Committee Update on Wheelchair Ramp
Fundraising $ Gift Certificate Donated by Gresham Ford Will raffle off at $10.00 per ticket. Plan to sell Tickets Arranged by Clyde Rictor

9 Committee Reports Membership 10 new members by 15 February
10 more new members by 1 March New Committee: Visitation Committee Will submit a “Door Knocking” report each month Heroes Memorial Events Upcoming Fundraisers Memorial Day Buddy Poppies

10 Committee Reports Team River Runner Communications
Website / Technology Activities Voice of Democracy / Patriot’s Pen POW/Missing Man Scouts Motion to Accept Committee Reports

11 Remember our National Home
Chaplain Prayer

12 Old (Unfinished) Business
Gifts for C-2/218 FA Oregon Army National Guard FRG was very thankful for the overwhelming Response

13 Good of the order Rules Committee for HB 4038
Section 2 of HB 4038 Provisions Rules Committee to meet 3rd Thursday of each month Committee will meet at least 3 times to establish rules for claiming medals Recommendation to re-draw district lines to move Post 180 to District 14 We should oppose this action. The District Commander also opposes this action

14 Good of the order Funeral Honors for Veterans Without Families
4th Thursday of each month at 1400 Willamette National Cemetery Oregon Military Support Network 4th Thursday Gresham National Guard Armory Team River Runner Food Drive for patients in the Chemo unit at PVAMC Report Volunteer Hours

15 Closing Ceremony Closing Prayer Salute the Colors Adjournment

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