CVN OPS ADMIN Officer Course

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1 CVN OPS ADMIN Officer Course
1 May 2019

2 Introduction This presentation covers the following topics:
OPS Admin Course Background Metrics Overview Assessments Reporting Rules DRRS-N Accounts Training Transition to DRRS-S Keys to Success

3 Background – Mission Essential Tasks
METs are tasks considered essential to accomplish and support missions and requirements assigned by a Joint or Naval Commander The Mission Essential Task List (METL) is based on the Unit’s ROC/POE and Warfare Mission Areas to METs Each MET contains a set of conditions and standards The METL is common to all units within a Responsible Organization (RespOrg)

4 Background – DRRS-N DRRS-N is the tool Navy organizations uses to report MET readiness data to DRRS Navy DRRS-N Policy Guidance NTRP OPNAV USFF/CPF CNAP/CNAL Note: All references can be found in the Resources tab of the CNAF Readiness Reference Tool

5 Background – DRRS-N Data Flow
DRRS-N is comprised of a network of interdependent systems, architectures, databases, and applications. The network provides the means for reporting readiness data when Ashore or Afloat. ARRS: Afloat Readiness Reporting Server. A server on each ship that houses readiness applications. IRRI: Innovative Readiness reporting Initiative. IRRI is a software package that resides on the Ship’s CAINS network and contains DRRS-N Afloat.

6 Background – CVN Sample (DRRS-N Ashore)
Unit selection Unit Assessment Core Only One Mission (Core) Mission Essential Tasks (7 total for CV) Unit Assessment METs OARS Page (JCS required SORTS data) PESTO Data pillars

7 Background – CVN Sample (DRRS-N Afloat)
Unit selection Unit Assessment Core Up to two Missions (Core /old capabilities) Old Capabilities and METs Unit Assessment OARS Page (JCS required SORTS data) PESTO Data pillars The DRRS-N Afloat software lags updates seen in the DRRS-N Ashore software. Units may see two Core missions on DRRS-N Afloat. Only assess the Core that has seven METs.

8 Background – DRRS-N DRRS-N contains two assessments:
Computed Assessment (Automated) PESTO Pillars (Per, Eqp, Sup, Tng, Ord) Pre-calculated data from authoritative data sources Commander’s Assessments (Subjective) The Commander shall assess Core and all METs PESTO Pillar data is provided to assist the Commander in making an assessment The Commander’s Core assessment, MET assessments, and OARS page data are the only data that flow up beyond Navy lifelines to DRRS-S Note: DRRS-N has two similar software input tools, DRRS-N Ashore (used when land based) and DRRS-N Afloat (used by ships and embarked units)

9 Metrics Overview – DRRS-N Data Sources
DRRS-N compiles unit resource values (called FOMs or Figures of Merit), using authoritative data sources. These values and associated data are available to the Commander as a guide for making unit assessments.

10 Metrics Overview – PESTO Metrics
Pillar Input Data Source Frequency Metric Metric Owner Personnel NEC FIT Rating FIT Officer FIT COB, BA TFMMS, FLTMPS PFOM Weekly PFOM = Rs – Gs Rs CNAL N1 Equipment 2-kilos in CSMP CSMP MFOM As updated in MFOM Based on CVN Equipment Model CNAP N43 Supply Repair Parts and Provisions CMP SFOM SFOM = % Supplies on-Hand CNAL N41 Training Performance (Pf) Experience (Ef) CV-SHARP NTIMS Daily TFOM = Pf x Ef CNAP N7 Ordnance UIC, NALC, NOMEN, COG, on-hand Allowance, ACC, CC OIS-W OFOM As Updated in OIS-W OFOM = On-hand/ NAVSEA Allowance CNAL N40C

11 Commander’s Assessments
Assessments – Types The Commander assesses the following areas with a Y, Q, or N: The METs The Core In addition, the Commander shall update the OARS (Organization and Resource Status) data. OARS will be discussed later. 1 Commander’s Assessments 2 3

12 Commander’s Assessments
Assessments – Commander’s Assessment The following values are used when assessing the Core and MET assessment blocks: Commander’s Assessments

13 Assessments – Commander’s Assessment
The following values are used to assess the Core and MET assessments: The unit can successfully perform an assigned MET to the prescribed standards and conditions. A “Yes” assessment should reflect demonstrated performance in training and operations. (Used when data may not readily support a “Yes” assessment). The unit is expected to accomplish an assigned MET to the prescribed standards, under most conditions. This performance, however, has not been observed or demonstrated in operations or training. Units with this rating can be employed for those tasks. The unit cannot perform an assigned MET to the prescribed standards and conditions at this time. Supporting explanations are mandatory for any “N” assessment.

14 Assessments – TYCOM Guidance
Fleet guidance on making assessments in DRRS-N: The commander’s assessment shall not be green in MOB and Core if .. an engineering casualty exists that limits speed or maneuverability if onboard fuel percentage or days of provisions are less than prescribed by fleet or operational commanders The commander’s assessment shall not be green in any MET if affected by an active Cat 3 or Cat 4 CASREP The commander’s assessment shall not be green for any MET if a unit fails to complete the full training requirement or fails to achieve required certification for any phase of the FRTP The commander’s assessment shall not be green for any NMET where shipboard ordnance load is less than 80% of shipfill or other requirement directed by echelon two fleet commanders

15 Assessments – TYCOM Guidance
Guidance on CASREPS: CASREPS are specific indicators of "change in readiness status" and require updates to DRRS-N. The category of the CASREP shall never be worse than the worst mission area Affected. For example, if a unit submits a C3 CASREP, there must be at least one MET evaluated as “Q/Qualified Yes." the qualified statement should be in the area(s) impacted by the C3 CASREP. Listing all CASREPS in the assessment fields is not desired. Upper echelon commands have access to MFOM and can view all CASREP summaries. Keep comments focused on operational impacts to mission areas.

16 Assessments – Commander’s Remarks
The Core assessment block contains specific sections for your comments: Overall Section: Describe the unit’s current readiness in relation to the wartime mission and ability to conduct current tasking PESTO Sections: Describe the specific readiness issues and operational impacts Comments should focus on current and future capability and issues Projections on readiness changes should be based on events and not just the next DRRS-N assessment Minimum comments should include; Current FRTP (R+) month/phase Next major FRTP milestone Expected deployment date Commander’s top readiness concerns POC Info (SIPR and NIPR, ashore and underway, as necessary)

17 Assessments – Commander’s Remarks
PESTO Remarks Comment on IAs and TADs that cause personnel shortages Comment on Equipment degradations and all CAT 4 CASREPS Comment on Supply shortages and planned on-loads Comment on Training issues and when events will be achieved Comment on Ordnance status and on-loads General Remarks Tips All comments should describe the readiness degradation, the CO’s plan to resolve it, and resources required to achieve Green This is not a message so use sentence case DRRS-N is about full MCO capability. Describe how current tasking effects MCO readiness Do not use SORTS terminology in DRRS-N comments

18 Commander’s Assessments
Assessments – OARS Page In addition to the MET assessments, the Commander shall update the OARS data. CJCS requires the component services from their responsibility to report legacy SORTS data USFF includes the OARS data in DRRS-N to capture legacy SORTS data OARS transmits SORTS data along with the DRRS-N assessment and creates a SORTS report internal to the larger DRRS-S network for use at Joint Staff 1 Commander’s Assessments 2 3 OARS = Organization and Resource Status

19 DRRS-N Ashore – OARS Data Calculations
Everyone with a DRRS-N account can view your OARS data. To update the data in the OARS page, select the Edit buttons or by click on the C Rate boxes. Note: The guidance for completing the OARS data is contained in Section 6 of the CNAP/CNAL

20 Assessments – OARS Data Calculations
When the user selects either Edit buttons or clicks on the C rate boxes, a data entry screen will appear. Complete the data fields required. Report current employment via the Activity Code sets Report deployment status using the pull-down menu C Rates should be consistent with the commander’s assessed (DRRS-N) values

21 Assessments – OARS Data Calculations
Report the ship’s LAT/LONG when home or MODLOC when at sea Category Level and Limitations are N/A for CNAP/CNAL units Percent Effective is your readiness to perform your currently assigned mission (1-4) Report Chem-Bio stats as per sections 6 of the CNAP/CNAL Report BA/NMP/COB for all officers/enlisted in the Personnel Strength boxes

22 Reporting Rules - Frequency
Submit assessments in DRRS-N as follows: Within 24 hours of a significant change in readiness Within 24 hours of an unplanned change in underway status fail to sail hurricane sortie surge deployment RTP for emergent repairs Within 30 days of the last assessment Following completion of major FRTP milestones to include TSTA, FEP, C2X, and JTFEX When otherwise directed Assessments must be submitted in DRRS-N within 24 hours of a significant change in readiness. An updated assessment must be submitted within 30 days of the last assessment, even if there is no change in readiness. Note: Your ISIC may also direct a DRRS-N assessment based on COCOM or Fleet Commander reporting requirement.

23 DRRS-N Accounts DRRS-N Ashore DRRS-N Afloat Tips (DRRS-N Afloat)
Requested via the SIPRNET ( Accounts are Managed by USFFC At best, OPS and OPS Admin should have Commander permissions Help Desk: (DSN 836) DRRS-N Afloat Primarily where you will make DRRS-N assessments OPS ADMIN on the CVN creates accounts for all embarked units Help Desk: /6365 (DSN 836) Tips (DRRS-N Afloat) Embarked units must manage their own DRRS-N reporting The CVN only provides accounts on DRRS-N afloat for embarked units

24 DRRS-N Accounts – Permissions
Account permission levels for both DRRS-N Ashore and Afloat have the same functionality but have different names. The table below describes the permission levels. CNAF recommends that the CO, XO, and OPS-O all have the Commander/Releaser permission level. The CO Has the discretion to assign any permission level to personnel in their command. DRRS-N Ashore/Afloat Permission Levels: Unit Role Description Unit Viewer /Browser Can only view approved assessments. Cannot make changes to assessments. Cannot see the OARS page. Unit User /Drafter Can view and change the assessments of capabilities and NMETs, and save assessment changes, but cannot submit assessment changes. Unit Commander/Releaser Can view and change the assessments of capabilities and NMETs, save assessment changes, and submit assessment changes. Can also select the reporting method. Releaser and ADMIN (DRRS-N Afloat Only)

25 CNAF Readiness Brief (CVN) - Reduced METL
Every two weeks, CNAL N00 is briefed on the readiness of all PAC and LANT CVNs in an FRTP cycle as a means to monitor the health of the fleet. DRRS-N data and CO’s comments are analyzed for readiness degradations by the TYCOM staff and presented to the TYCOM leadership. MAINTENANCE Basic ADV INTEGRATED POM DEPLOY SUSTAIN Unit ID DRRS-N Resources FRTP events Unit Date Core AW C2 EW INT LOG MOB MOB-A P E S T O WCC TSTA/FEP FST-GC C2X CVN XX 6-Nov-18 Q Y N COMMENTS Overall: Personnel: Equipment: Supply: Training: Ordnance: UNCLASSIFIED - Sample

26 Training Plan – Methods
Three avenues for DRRS-N training are: On-line and embedded training CNAF Readiness Reference Tool Help functions in DRRS-N Pipeline training TYCOM OPS ADMIN Officer Course Waterfront briefs Quarterly at Fleet Concentration sites As requested by units

27 Transition to DRRS-S FY 2019 NDAA Mandated Changes to Readiness Reporting: The military services shall complete the transition to DRRS-S not later than 1 October, 2019 DRRS-S = DRRS Strategic (OSD version of DRRS) DRRS-S Transition Revision to the CVN METL Capability Areas go away Revised CVN METL has 7 METs vice 130 METs USFF requires all Navy units to report via a reduced METL by 30 June 2019 Policy to support DRRS-S transition in work at USFF Two messages released already Expect transition between July - Sept 2019 DRRS-N Afloat will continue to support DRRS-S reporting for afloat units only Expect updates to the DRRS-N Afloat software

28 DRRS-S Sample View One Mission (Core) CO Assessment METL

29 Keys to Success Unit commander gets 100% of the vote in the Commander’s assessment regardless of the PESTO pillars The unit needs to understand their FRTP cycle and their readiness expectations Remarks should be focused on readiness issues for your ship Do not use SORTS terminology in your remarks Ensure that all remarks fields are continually updated Old remarks remain in DRRS-N until updated Evaluate all METs, Core, and OARS data on every assessment OARS C-Rates should be consistent with the DRRS-N MET assessments Manage the input systems that feed DRRS-N (FLTMPS, CSMP, CV-SHARP, etc.) TYCOM (with USFF) will mage the DRRS-S transition Take advantage of the TYCOM experts. Help is a phone call away

30 CNAF DRRS-N Pillar Leads
CDR David “Lanezies” Lane DRRS-N Program Manager Mr John Olanowski P Pillar Mr Tom Worthen E Pillar LCDR Chris Allen S Pillar LCDR Sean Lennon T Pillar/METL Mr Bill Glenn O Pillar Training Support Leads Mr Chris Soler DRRS-N Training Mr Rick Leeker MFOM Training Maxalex Fequiere CV-SHARP Training Note: All POC information is listed in the Resources tab of the CNAF Readiness Reference Tool

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