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Decarbonising AIRport regions ERRIN. Airport Regions Conference ARC: regions make Europe fly The regional and local authorities hosting and neighbouring.

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Presentation on theme: "Decarbonising AIRport regions ERRIN. Airport Regions Conference ARC: regions make Europe fly The regional and local authorities hosting and neighbouring."— Presentation transcript:

1 decarbonising AIRport regions ERRIN

2 Airport Regions Conference ARC: regions make Europe fly The regional and local authorities hosting and neighbouring an international airport The democratically elected representatives of all the citizen living nearby an airport The voice of regional and local authorities in dialogue with aviation stakeholders, economic and institutional partners at national, European and international level

3 Whats dAIR ?

4 dAIR is a policy tool +

5 The aim is to lower the carbon emissions

6 dAIR is a policy tool Identification and exchange of best practices Drafting of action plans Test cases

7 Objective 1: reducing the carbon emissions linked to surface access

8 The starting point Surface access : up to 50% of the carbon emissions of an airport The public transport systems are shaped for only one type of user (the passenger)

9 Interim results Local authorities have to provide more with less money Technology is providing solutions Sometimes solutions come from common sense Concertation needs Need to adapt existing solutions (eg: bus on demand) See what has been tested in other places Malta – air conditioning in buses- closing doors Stakeholders forum

10 Objective 2: reducing emissions from airport operations

11 How Airport Operations represent around 10% of carbon emissions By helping airports to engage in their ACA programme

12 Interim results The return on investments targets Engagement of stakeholders Ideas out of beaten tracks Use of local resources Credible+ Negotiation arguments What outcomes ? Malta – air conditioning in buses- closing doors Stakeholders forum Avoid buzz investments

13 Objective 2: one strong theme, INNOVATION

14 Whats innovation? An overall special point of attention within the projet's 2 sub-objectives is 'innovation', and more specifically, the way for public actors to engage business and R&D institutions in reaching the ambitious goals of creating well connected green airport regions. Intelligent co-operation models between project PPs, business and R&D community can lead to easy access to existing state-of-the-art solutions and/or development of new products/services and their rapid market uptake.

15 Innovation or not ? Smarter use of existing resources – Eco-driving incentives – Use of snow to provide air conditionning – Bus on demand Equipment – Electric cars, smart floors Infrastructures – Metro tram Processes: – Procurement – Mobility plans

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