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Managing Media Materials Services

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1 Managing Media Materials Services
In this chapter, you will learn everything you ever wanted to know about… Ordering Processing Circulating …materials and equipment!

2 The Media Center’s materials collection often includes:
Materials showing motion Audio materials Sound and projected still images Other materials (models,kits) Print materials

3 As well as storing materials, the media center must establish policies and procedures to facilitate their selection, processing, circulation, and maintenance.

4 5 Steps to a Happy Media Center
Determine collection needs Select appropriate materials Develop appropriate technical processing procedures Develop effective and efficient circulation procedures Develop materials maintenance procedures

5 Determining Collection Needs

6 Determine collection needs by…
Soliciting client advice Cost of media Equipment needed Simplicity to use User familiarity However, the ultimate choice is that of the Media Manager.

7 Selecting Appropriate Materials

8 Selecting Appropriate Materials
Develop criteria to facilitate the selection process (written policy should exist) What should your policy include? (each one will be different)

9 Selection Policy School district and individual school philosophy
Statement summarizing aims and objectives of LMC List of those who select and the specific objectives of the selection function An indication of delegated and final responsibility for selection A list of the types of media found in the center An enumeration of the selection aids most frequently consulted A description of procedures, forms , and practices used in selection Indication of areas of collection that will be stressed or de-emphasized Additional or modifying criteria for the various clientele served Statements concerning the LMC policies towards gifts, sponsored material, weeding, duplication, and replacement Information concerning any cooperative acquisition projects in which the center is involved with other schools Description of procedures for complaints and any forms used to do this

10 Now that you have a policy, it is time to select materials!

11 Locating Sources for Instruction/Training Materials
Catalogues Brochures Professional Journals Advertisements Workshops/Conferences Establish a Media Reference Library

12 Evaluating Materials “Do it yourself” plan - media manager/staff evaluate materials Materials are purchased as requested without evaluation All requests for materials from clients are obtained for preview Only materials most often rented are purchased Only materials highly recommended by professional review sources are ordered for preview or purchase A review committee is used

13 Evaluation Forms KISS Keep It Short & Simple

14 Cataloging Materials must be cataloged and included within the institution’s library catalog Media materials do not necessarily need to be classified using conventional standardized classification systems(they should still be cataloged)

15 Cataloging and Classification
Classification-the systematic arrangements of materials into meaningful and related groups following some established criteria and coding system(DDS and LC) Catalog-the index to a total collection - reference source that gives location and gives brief description

16 Non-Print Materials The book recommends that non-print media be shelved elsewhere in the collection. Monitoring and ease of access will be much easier if housed in a separate area. Also, machinery needed to use this media can be stored nearby.

17 Circulation DO… DON’T…

18 Circulation The collection is of no use if it is never used . Therefore, simple but effective circulation procedures must be available to facilitate that use. Reference and Retrieval Scheduling and Booking Delivery Patron Use Checking in Materials Billing

19 Maintaining the Collection
Keeping the Collection in Good Physical Condition Start with quality material Clean regularly Provide instructions for accurate use and care of materials

20 Weeding Weeding-the process of removing materials from a collection(10% a year) Age of the material Circulation statistics Physical condition of material Patron and collection needs

21 The Perfect Media Center

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