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3 ACRONYMS AGRIBEE Agricultural Black Economic Empowerment APAP Agricultural Policy Action Plan ARC Agricultural Research Council BRICS Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa CASP Comprehensive Agricultural Support Programme COMESA Common Market for Eastern and Southern African Community DAFF Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries DRDLR Department of Rural Development and Land Reform DPME Department of Planning and Monitoring and Evaluation Dti Department of Trade and Industry ESEID Economic sectors, Employment and Infrastructure Development EAC East African Community ICAR Indian Council of Agricultural Research FTE Full Time Equivalent NEDLAC National Economic Development and Labour Council NT National Treasury PPECB Perishable Produce Export Control Board

4 NPPO National Plan Protection Organisation SADC Southern African Development Corporation SMME Small Medium Micro Enterprises TFTA Tripartite Free Trade Area TUP Temporary Unplanted Plantation USA United States of America WFP World Food Programme

5 INTRODUCTION Some of the information informing this presentation is obtained from DAFF previous annual reports, which have been audited regarding targets that were in the annual performance plans. Information regarding outcomes targets that are continuously reported through outcomes structures, are obtained from reports already coordinated through these structures. Inputs were also obtained from branches to provide more details in other areas.

6 ACHIEVEMENTS 14/15 15/16 16/17 17/18 18/19( 3rd q) SONA STATEMENT
Support food security initiatives by fighting poverty through support of smallholder and households. 3 817 Smallholder producers were supported Households supported with food production initiatives (Ilima Letsema, school nutrition programmes) N/A Smallholder producers supported Households supported with food production initiatives (Ilima Letsema, school nutrition programmes) 126 Veterinary graduates were deployed to rural communities Smallholder producers supported 404 38 Households supported with food production initiatives (Ilima Letsema, school nutrition programmes) 127 Veterinary graduates were deployed to rural communities Smallholder producers supported Households supported with food production initiatives (Ilima Letsema, school nutrition programmes) 124 Veterinary graduates were deployed to rural communities

7 SONA STATEMENT ACHIEVEMENTS 14/15 15/16 16/17 17/18 18/19( 3rd q)
Working in partnership with business, organised labour and community representatives, we are creating opportunities for young people to be exposed to the world of work through internships, apprenticeships, mentorship and entrepreneurship N/A 30 Graduates were placed in commodity organisations aligned to the Agricultural Policy Action Plan (APAP) 255 Graduates were placed in the agriculture, forestry and fisheries sector 230 graduates will resume their placements in February 2019 and 25 graduates will be placed with the PPECB in March 2019. 20 Extension officers were deployed. 40 20 61 11 extension officers are deployed to Mpumalanga. The Extension policy and the implement-ation plan were approved by Cabinet on the 19th October 2016 Provincial extension coordinating forum were hosted in NW,FS,GP,EC and NC, as a way of implementing the policy. The report of the extension co-ordinating forum is currently being finalised.

8 SONA STATEMENT ACHIEVEMENTS 14/15 15/16 16/17 17/18 18/19( 3rd q)
Working with the private sector to develop an Agricultural Policy Action Plan, which will bring one million hectares of under-utilised land into full production hectares hectares hectares 1, 636,702 hectares

9 ACHIEVEMENTS 14/15 15/16 16/17 17/18 18/19(3Q) SONA STATEMENT
Revitalizing agriculture and the agro-processing value chain. N/A RED MEAT hectares of land were acquired for red meat production ; jobs were created Estimated Investment = R million. FRUIT AND VEG hectares were put under production jobs were created Estimated Investment: R456.5 million. WHEAT 150 hectares were put under production 147 jobs were created. Estimated Investment: R16. 2 million. . SUGAR 2 957 hectares were put under production. 954 jobs were to be created Estimated Investment: R 34.6 million. WINE Estimated Investment: R11.3 mill Markets opened: USA market by 6%, China by 5%; Africa by 5%

10 SONA STATEMENT ACHIEVEMENTS 14/15 15/16 16/17 17/18 18/19( 3rd q)
Government will implement a commercialisation support programme for 450 black smallholder farmers N/A A criteria for the selection of the 450 farmers was done and approved. Through Blended Finance these farmers will receive continuous financial support up to 2030. Training the farmers in their various commodities. Some farmers in the Eastern Cape are supporting markets eg. Exports of maize to Vietnam and some are working together with white Commercial Farmers.

11 SONA STATEMENT ACHIEVEMENTS 14/15 15/16 16/17 17/18 18/19( 3rd q)
South Africa has acceded to the Tripartite Free Trade Area (TFTA) agreement, which brings together the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC), Common Market for Eastern and Southern African Community (COMESA) and the East African Community (EAC) and the West African Community. - During the period under review, South Africa concluded negotiating the framework and its Annexes regarding the TFTA agreement In July 2017, South Africa signed the TFTA when the outstanding Annexes were concluded South Africa ratified the TFTA in December 2018 DAFF working with the industry, has developed Tariff Offers for the EAC and Egypt Outstanding Work: Conclusion of tariff negotiations and ratifications by other Member States

12 SONA STATEMENT ACHIEVEMENTS 14/15 15/16 16/17 17/18 18/19( 3rd q)
The free trade area will combine markets of 26 countries with population of nearly 625 million - Through the Wine Industry Value Chain Roundtable (WIVCR), Fruit Industry Value Chain Roundtable (FIVCR) and other agricultural products, markets have been identified for exports targeting the emerging markets in Africa, Asia and Middle East. In an effort to gain new markets, the Fruit SA for example working with the 11 DAFF Attaches, the DTI and the National Plant Protection Organisation of South Africa (NPPO) have identified nine (9) priority products for exports. The industry further participates in Annual International shows like Asia Fruit Logistica, Fresh Produce India, Berlin show, USA Fruit shows etc. In addition a number of trade protocols are under negotiation with countries like China, Vietnam, Philippines, Japan, India, Thailand, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia etc.

13 SONA STATEMENT ACHIEVEMENTS 14/15 15/16 16/17 17/18 18/19( 3rd q)
SA will open market access opportunities to export products , and contribute to job creation and the growth of South Africa’s industrial sector - Research was done on Fruit & nuts to determine export opportunities. The Final short-list of priority products and countries that we need to export to were agreed upon agreed upon in the Fruit Value Chain Round Table. Continuous work is being done by the regulatory authorities to open markets for SPS market access and others such as trade shows (dti) Research done on Vegetables export opportunities. Results were presented to Vegetable Value Chain Round Table & industry role players. The Strategy articulated to implement the results presented was done. Applications are done in multi-stakeholder forum. Research done on Meat export opportunities. Results presented and deliberated with industry forums. Priorities are continuously supported by the regulatory authorities. Challenges and existing markets were identified. The local regulatory systems may hold the largest challenges for export growth. Research in progress on Fish export opportunities was done. Results will be available to industry forums by the end of Quarter 4. Practical application will be driven by the Phakisa on the Ocean Economy. 12

14 SONA STATEMENT ACHIEVEMENTS 14/15 15/16 16/17 17/18 18/19( 3rd q)
South Africa will this year take over the chair of the Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS) group of countries, and will give priority to the promotion of value –added trade and intra-BRICS investment productive sectors - During the year under review (25-27 July 2018); South Africa successfully hosted BRICS Seminar on Climate Smart Approaches to discuss the following: promoting cooperation amongst BRICS countries on addressing climate change focusing on climate smart actions and approaches to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (mitigation). During this period the following agreements were signed during this period: An MoU between RSA and Russia on agriculture cooperation. An agreements between Agriculture Research Council (ARC) and Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) on research 13

15 SONA STATEMENT ACHIEVEMENTS 14/15 15/16 16/17 17/18 18/19(3rd q)
The country remains gripped by one of the devastating droughts in century, which has severely impacted our economy, which negative affected social services and agricultural production (Drought) R2.5 billion rand was made available for the provision of livestock feed, water infrastructure, drilling, equipping and refurbishment of boreholes, auction sales and other interventions - Western Cape declared a provincial state of drought and received an allocation of R40m from the National Treasury (NT) via National Disaster management Centre. The province allocated R67m from their own funds to provide animal feed. Further an amount of R12m was made available to the province for animal feed and 313 commercial farmers and 627 subsistence farmers benefitted from the drought assistance. Eastern Cape has declared drought in OR Tambo, Joe Gqabi, Chris Hani, and R39m was made available for intervention with feed, water infrastructure. 10 commercial farmers, 1308 smallholder and 2185 subsistence farmers benefitted from the drought assistance. Northern Cape has declared drought in Namakwa and they are in the process of declaring Pixley ka Seme. The province allocated R for transportation of donated feeds and further received R25m for drought assistance for feed and transportation. 226 commercial farmers and 1655 subsistence benefitted from the relief scheme. North West declared a provincial state of disaster and was allocated R38m for drought relief whereby 1750 commercial farmers, 2645 smallholder farmers and subsistence farmers benefitted from the allocated amount. 14

16 SONA STATEMENT ACHIEVEMENTS 14/15 15/16 16/17 17/18 18/19(3rd q)
The country remains gripped by one of the devastating droughts in century, which has severely impacted our economy, which negative affected social services and agricultural production (Drought) R2.5 billion rand was made available for the provision of livestock feed, water infrastructure, drilling, equipping and refurbishment of boreholes, auction sales and other interventions - Mpumalanga declared a provincial state of disaster and received R26m for animal feed. Only subsistence farmers benefitted from the drought relief funds. Free State declared a provincial state of disaster and received R31m for animal feed commercial farmers, 902 smallholder famers and 3649 subsistence farmers benefitted from the drought relief fund. KwaZulu Natal declared a provincial state of disaster and received R23m for animal feed. Only benefitted from the drought relief assistance. Limpopo declared a provincial state of disaster and received R28m for animal feed. Only benefitted from the drought relief assistance DAFF supported the provinces by facilitating and monitoring the implementation of the schemes and consolidated national treasury reports. 15

17 SONA STATEMENT ACHIEVEMENTS 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019(3rd q)
We will continue to prioritise targeted skills development and capacity building programmes for smallholders and emerging black farmers A total of 107 cooperatives were supported with training in various provinces. A total of 105 cooperatives were supported with training in various provinces. A total of 110 cooperatives were supported with training in various provinces. A total of 123 cooperatives were supported with training in various provinces. A total of 90 cooperatives were supported with training in various provinces (Q1-Q3 2018/19) 16

18 SONA STATEMENT ACHIEVEMENTS 14/15 15/16 16/17 17/18 18/19( 3rd q)
There are around 250, 000 small emerging farmers who are working the land and need support fully developing their businesses hectares of temporary unplanted trees (TUPs) were planted hectares of temporary unplanted trees (TUPs) were planted 1 961,25 of TUPs hectares were planted 996,93 of TUPs hectares were planted 69.62 hectares have been planted in temporary unplanted areas 17

19 SONA STATEMENT ACHIEVEMENTS 14/15 15/16 16/17 17/18 18/19( 3rd q)
Operation Phakisa ,Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development Lab N/A 5 weeks intensive session was held attended by about 161 participants. Delivery plans were developed and sixteen Operation Phakisa projects for phase 1 and 2 were supported. 18

20 SONA STATEMENT ACHIEVEMENTS 14/15 15/16 16/17 17/18 18/19( 3rd q)
Since the Operation Phakisa on the Oceans Economy in 2014, we have secured investments of nearly R30 billion and created over 7,000 direct jobs. The investments have been mainly in infrastructure development, marine manufacturing, and aquaculture. Expected investment in the Oceans Economy over the next five years is estimated at R3.8 billion by government and R65 billion by the private sector. These investments are expected to create over 100,000 direct jobs and more than 250,000 indirect jobs. Draft Aquaculture Bill was approved by EXCO on March 2015 The Minister approved the submission to gazette the draft Aquaculture Bill Bill not approved Consultations in NEDLAC have resulted in further inputs into the long title, the preamble and Chapter 1 definitions The Department Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation (DPME) has assessed the Socio-Economic Impact Assessment (SEIAS) of the Aquaculture Development Bill and granted permission to the department to proceed with the submission of the Bill to Cabinet The Aquaculture Development Bill was introduced in Cabinet on 15 June 2018.

21 SONA STATEMENT ACHIEVEMENTS 14/15 15/16 16/17 17/18 18/19( 3rd q)
Since the Operation Phakisa on the Oceans Economy in 2014, we have secured investments of nearly R30 billion and created over 7,000 direct jobs. The investments have been mainly in infrastructure development, marine manufacturing, and aquaculture. Expected investment in the Oceans Economy over the next five years is estimated at R3.8 billion by government and R65 billion by the private sector. These investments are expected to create over 100,000 direct jobs and more than 250,000 indirect jobs. 11 fish farms supported 4 Phase 1 Operation Phakisa projects were supported 16 Operation Phakisa projects were supported 9 Operation Phakisa projects were supported 16 operation Phakisa projects were supported -

22 SONA STATEMENT ACHIEVEMENTS 14/15 15/16 16/17 17/18 18/19( 3rd q)
Since the Operation Phakisa on the Oceans Economy in 2014, we have secured investments of nearly R30 billion and created over 7,000 direct jobs. The investments have been mainly in infrastructure development, marine manufacturing, and aquaculture. Expected investment in the Oceans Economy over the next five years is estimated at R3.8 billion by government and R65 billion by the private sector. These investments are expected to create over 100,000 direct jobs and more than 250,000 indirect jobs. 1 research project on reproduction and nutrition was conducted successfully 2 new research studies on genetics and nutrition for aquaculture species were conducted 2 new research projects on (spotted grunter and selected ornamental fish) were conducted 2 new studies on production systems for new candidate species for aquaculture were conducted 4 new studies on economics of new candidate species (sea urchin), production systems (Scallops), aquatic animal health (epizootic Ulcerative Syndrome) and climate change (assessment of temperature, deoxygenation and acidification on aquaculture)

23 SONA STATEMENT ACHIEVEMENTS 14/15 15/16 16/17 17/18 18/19( 3rd q)
Agriculture presents one of the greatest opportunities to significantly grow our economy and create jobs. - 5 131 jobs of Working for Fisheries Programme were created 7187 jobs created through Ilima and CASP 101 12 3780 4718 LandCare contribution with regard to Full Time Equivalent’s created: 971,72 LandCare contribution with regard to FTE’s created: 1 197,80 472,15 3 576,49 0 Forestry jobs created through refurbishment of category B&C) 399 Forestry jobs created through refurbishment of category B&C 1 352 Forestry jobs created through refurbishment of category B&C 1 577 Forestry jobs created through refurbishment of category B&C


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