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Expression profiles of 5,493 transcripts grouped by k-means clustering

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1 Expression profiles of 5,493 transcripts grouped by k-means clustering.
Expression profiles of 5,493 transcripts grouped by k-means clustering. The 15 clusters have been categorised into three groups and are visualised as heat maps, and the colours in the heat maps indicate the level of expression. (A) The eight clusters (1, 4, 7, 8, 11, 12, 14, and 15) encompassing transcripts that did not exhibit any evident tissue- or lineage-dependent expression patterns. (B) The four clusters (2, 10, 3, and 13), encompassing genes showing tissue-dependent expression patterns. (C) The three clusters (6, 9, and 5) with lineage-dependent expression patterns. (D) The most highly enriched (−log10 [P-value from hypergeometric test]) GO terms for the tissue- and lineage-dependent clusters. (E) Highly enriched KEGG pathways (−log10P-value from hypergeometric test) for the tissue- and lineage-dependent clusters. Circle colour represents cluster, and size is reflective of number of genes in cluster within a GO or KEGG category. Abril Izquierdo et al. LSA 2019;2:e © 2019 Izquierdo et al.

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