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The Health of our Communities

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1 The Health of our Communities
Community Dialogue 2019 The Health of our Communities Kanabec County

2 Community Health Needs Assessment WHAT IS IT?
A community health assessment is foundational to improving and promoting the health of a community. During the assessment, the community health board (or another lead organization) identifies and describes the health of the community served, the factors that contribute to health challenges, and existing community assets and resources they can mobilize to improve the community’s health. The assessment helps ensure that local resources are directed toward where they can make the greatest and most timely impact. Community health boards will submit five deliverables for the Assessment and Planning cycle in March 2020. Priority Health Issues: Up to 10 priority health issues identified by the community health assessment Community Health Improvement Plan - A long-term, systematic effort to address public health problems in a community. It is based on the results of community health assessment activities, and is one step in a process to improve community health. The community health improvement plan is developed collaboratively, and defines a vision for the community’s health; the community health improvement plan is the community’s plan, not the community health board’s plan for the community. Description of How You Monitor and Revise your Community Health Improvement Plan: A description of how the community health board will monitor and revise the CHIP over the next five years using performance management Strategic Plan - Determines what the organization plans to achieve, how the organization will achieve it, and how the organization will know what has been achieved. The strategic plan guides decision-making on allocating resources and pursuing strategies and priorities. Description of How You Monitor and Revise your Strategic Plan: A description of how the community health board will monitor and revise the strategic plan over the next five years using performance management

3 Community Health Needs Assessment
Process Convene a group of key stakeholders Describe the health of the community - Collect and review data - Discuss factors that contribute to health challenges - Identify community assets and resources that can be mobilized to improve the community’s health Select priorities Current Priorities (top 4) 1. Inadequate prenatal care, inadequate nutrition, smoking, teenage pregnancy and high percentage of births born to mothers in poverty. 2. Increase in obesity related to lifestyle choices. 3. Inappropriate use of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs. 4. Public Health Emergency Preparedness.

4 Community Health Needs Assessment DISPARITIES
Vital Statistics Trend Report 2016

5 Community Health Needs Assessment DISPARITIES
Vital Statistics Trend Report 2016

6 Social Determinant of Health HOUSING
Severe Housing Problems - Percent Severe Housing Problems is the percentage of households with at least one or more of the following housing problems: housing unit lacks complete kitchen facilities; housing unit lacks complete plumbing facilities; household is severely overcrowded; or household is severely cost burdened. Severe overcrowding is defined as more than 1.5 persons per room. Severe cost burden is defined as monthly housing costs (including utilities) that exceed 50% of monthly income. County Health Rankings

7 Social Determinant of Health TRANSPORTATION
Long Commute – Percent driving over 30 minutes to get to work County Health Rankings

8 Social Determinant of Health EDUCATION, ECONOMIC & EMPLOYMENT
County Health Rankings December 2018 Unemployment Rate Kanabec County 6.8% State of MN 3.2% MN Department of Employment and Economic Development/LMI Vital Statistics Trend Report 2016

9 Social Determinant of Health FOOD ACCESS
Kanabec County only has one grocery store 12% of people in Kanabec County are food insecure Food insecurity refers to USDA’s measure of lack of access, at times, to enough food for an active, healthy life for all household members and limited or uncertain availability of nutritionally adequate foods. Food-insecure households are not necessarily food insecure all the time. Food insecurity may reflect a household’s need to make trade-offs between important basic needs, such as housing or medical bills, and purchasing nutritionally adequate foods. Minnesotans living in rural areas are at least 10 miles away from a grocery store. 16% of the census tracts in Minnesota qualified as federally designated food deserts, meaning that those tracts have a large low-income population as well as significant distances from healthy food. Below is a map generated by the USDA, showing the areas considered food deserts in Minnesota, along with one for the Twin Cities metro area. The green areas are census tracts that have a significant portion of people living in poverty AND low vehicle accessibility. 

10 Social Determinant of Health HEALTHCARE ACCESS
MN East Central Regional Community Health Survey

11 Social Determinant of Health HEALTHCARE ACCESS
MN East Central Regional Community Health Survey

12 Social Determinant of Health HEALTHCARE ACCESS
MN East Central Regional Community Health Survey

13 Social Determinant of Health HEALTHCARE ACCESS
MN East Central Regional Community Health Survey

14 Social Determinant of Health HEALTHCARE ACCESS
MN East Central Regional Community Health Survey

15 Social Determinant of Health HEALTHCARE ACCESS
MN East Central Regional Community Health Survey

16 Social Determinant of Health HEALTHCARE ACCESS
MN East Central Regional Community Health Survey

17 Social Determinant of Health HEALTHCARE ACCESS
MN East Central Regional Community Health Survey

18 Social Determinant of Health EXPOSURE TO CRIME & VIOLENCE
MN Child Maltreatment Report County Health Rankings

19 Social Determinant of Health ANY OTHER KEY DETERMINANT?
MN Student Survey 2016 – Kanabec County

20 Community Health Improvement Plan WHAT IS IT?
Purpose: A vision for the community’s health that addresses long-term, systematic efforts to address public health problems within the community. This is the community’s plan not the community health boards plan for the community. Process: Prioritize issues with advisory committee Narrow down to top 3 priority areas with advisory committee Conduct a root cause analysis of top 3 areas Develope a structure where the root causes are the final priorities. Next Steps: Finalize structure, formulate goals, strategies, and define roles with partners Implement, monitor, and revise with partners Timeline: Began February 2019 End date March 2020

21 Community Health Improvement Plan PRIORITIES
Current Priorities (top 4) 1. Inadequate prenatal care, inadequate nutrition, smoking, teenage pregnancy and high percentage of births born to mothers in poverty. 2. Increase in obesity related to lifestyle choices. 3. Inappropriate use of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs. 4. Public Health Emergency Preparedness.

22 Kanabec County Community Health
QUESTIONS? Kathy Burski Kanabec County Community Health

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