Language of Learning Learning Council – Language of Learning.

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Presentation on theme: "Language of Learning Learning Council – Language of Learning."— Presentation transcript:

1 Language of Learning Learning Council – Language of Learning

2 Growth Mindset I can’t YET

3 Try to remember this phrase
Language of Learning Learning Council – Language of Learning Listening to others Try to remember this phrase Learn to listen – Listen to learn!

4 Team work

5 Language of Learning Co-operate means work jointly towards the same end. Words that mean the same as co-operate: collaborate, work together, work side by side, act together, act jointly, pull together, band together, come together, get together, join forces, team up, unite, combine, resources, club together, make common

6 Language of Learning Practice – To do or perform (something) repeatedly in order to acquire or polish a skill: practice a dance step.

7 Any Examples of how you have practiced this week?
Language of Learning Any Examples of how you have practiced this week?

8 Language of Learning Persevering - persistence in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success Determination - the quality of being determined; firmness of purpose. "those who succeed because of sheer grit and determination"

9 courage and resolve; strength of character
Language of Learning GRIT – courage and resolve; strength of character

10 Lets watch a video clip... Our next WOTW is?
Language of Learning Lets watch a video clip... Our next WOTW is?

11 Concentrating / Focusing
Language of Learning Concentrating / Focusing

12 Language of Learning Learning Council – Language of Learning Word of the week – Concentrating / Focusing

13 Language of Learning Concentrating / Focusing focus all one's attention on a particular object or activity.

14 Language of Learning Concentrating / Focusing Why is concentrating and focusing important? Is that an example of a Good Learner?

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