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Trojan War.

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1 Trojan War

2 Trojan War Nine-year war occurs after Trojan prince, Paris captures Spartan queen Helen, and Greek forces unite to retrieve her Battle was a long siege that ends with the trojan horse Tales of wars are written about by Homer


4 Persian War Greece vs Persia

5 Origins Greece and Persia had been rivals since Greek colonies and city-states were formed in Asia minor King Darius of Persia is defeated by the Greeks who revolt in his territory The next King, Xerxes, would be angered by this and launch invasions to the Greek polis's

6 Battle of Thermopylae
300 Spartan soldiers held off massive Persian armies at the Thermopylae pass Despite the deaths of all 300, other Greeks were inspired by this to unite against their common enemy

7 Battle of Marathon Battle between Persians and Athenians in 490 B.C.
Famous for the 26.2 miles that Pheidippides runs to alert the reinforcements of Athenian victory

8 Aftermath Following the victories against Persians, Athens and Sparta emerge as two most powerful city-states in the region Greek influence would grow into Athenian golden age Rivalry emerges between these two city-states

9 Rivalry Athens and Sparta, as the two most accomplished city states will feud with one another after Sparta is left out of Delian League Feud comes to ahead in Peloponnesian War

10 Peloponnesian War Sparta and Athens will fight in Peloponnesian War from BC Sparta and allies overpower Athens, despite the Athenian navy Athens was under siege for many years of the war

11 Sparta and Athens are both greatly weakened by wars
Aftermath Sparta and Athens are both greatly weakened by wars Both sides would be susceptible to other attacks

12 Athens Golden Age The Age of Pericles

13 Golden Age What does the term golden age mean?
What are some examples of a golden age?

14 Athenian Golden Age Started under the rule of Pericles from ( B.C.) Further advancement in philosophy, art, and scientific growth Peak wealth of polis

15 01 02 03 Pericles Credited with bringing forth the Athenian golden age
Brilliant general, orator, and politician 02 Empowered Athenians during wars with Persia and was called "the first citizen of Athens" because he was such a great leader 03

16 Homer Great writer of ancient Greece
Epic poems, The Iliad and The Odyssey Tales have had longstanding influence on modern world

17 Herodotus Considered to be the first historian for his works The Histories Wrote accounts of the Battle of Marathon, among others during the Persian wars  Traveled throughout Greece and neighboring lands writing about his observations and 

18 Art and Sculpture Used nude sculptures to show "the ideal human beauty" Important themes are realism, idealism, and human movement Statues were made of Greek heroes and Gods

19 Mathematics Ancient Greeks used mathematical concepts still found today Pi was used to find the circumference of circles Proofs made showed basics of geometry

20 Pythagoras Wanted to explain world in mathematical terms
Believed world was round and turned on a fixed point Established _________  theorem

21 Archimedes Great inventor and engineer of Athens
Designs the lever which was useful for moving heavy objects Creates screws that allow for water to be pumped from the ground Created war machines, such as the catapult and Greek fire that can burn wooden enemy ships

22 Theatre Sophocles was one of the most famous playwrights of Ancient Athens Some of the plays he wrote included Oedipus Rex and Antigone Theatres used echo-ability to assure everyone in theatre could hear performances

23 Medicine Hippocrates is the medicinal expert of ancient Greece
Believed diseases are caused naturally, not by angering the Gods Created the Hippocratic oath

24 “I swear by Apollo, the healer, and I take to witness all the gods…the following Oath:  I will prescribe regimens for the good of my patients according to my ability and my judgment and never do harm to anyone.” —Excerpt from the Hippocratic Oath

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