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Whitening and Brightening Your Smile

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1 Whitening and Brightening Your Smile
Tooth Bleaching Whitening and Brightening Your Smile

2 Are You Happy with Your Smile?
Many individuals who have discolored enamel are not satisfied with the appearance of their teeth. They go to great lengths to achieve the perfect smile. Tooth bleaching is a procedure offered for cosmetic purposes and may be a solution. Any person considering using home bleaching products should seek advice from a dentist since home-bleaching treatments may not be effective or preferable for every individual.

3 We Can Help! For the best and safest results, the individual should be monitored by the dentist throughout either home bleaching or professionally applied treatments. Any whitening process is the first step for you to get the smile you want. Whitening will lighten your smile, but it will not change the shape of the teeth, position of the teeth or color of any existing restorations. Results will vary from patient to patient.

4 Types of Tooth Stains INTRINSIC STAIN (Internal stain) occurs from within the tooth. This type of stain cannot be removed by brushing and flossing and sometimes bleaching may not be effective. Some causes of intrinsic staining are injury to the tooth, certain medications (such as tetracycline) or excess fluoride ingested during the formation of teeth. EXTRINSIC STAIN (External stain) is staining of the tooth surface. Some sources of extrinsic stains are cigarettes, cigars, coffee, tea, or foods that contain a lot of dyes or spices. This type of staining can sometimes be removed by good tooth brushing habits or by professional prophylaxis (cleaning).

5 Treatment Options… Different stains require different solutions; therefore it is important to consult with a dentist. A small number of people experience temporary discomfort such as gum or tooth sensitivity during the bleaching treatment. These symptoms generally disappear within one to three days after completion of the treatment. It is important that the doctor’s instructions be followed precisely. If any side effects are more than mild or if they persist, contact our office. Overall, tooth bleaching under professional supervision is an effective method for lightening the teeth.

6 Home Bleaching Brushing, flossing, and regular dental visits help by removing the stains and deposits on the surface of the teeth. But for those patients who have dark, yellow-brown or other internal discolorations to their teeth, there has never been a simple solution. Now there is a new technique called "Passive Vital Bleaching". Passive, because you perform the treatment while you carry on with your normal daily activities. Vital, because it is safe for healthy, living teeth; and Bleaching, because your teeth are whitened through the use of a mild oxidizing solution.

7 Home Bleaching ( cont. ) We simply make you a clear plastic tray that fits your teeth (it is thin and barely visible). You place the bleaching agent into the tray, slip it into place and go about your business. The process takes from 3 to 4 weeks and will not harm or change the color of fillings, bonding, caps, or other dental work.

8 Power Bleaching A faster alternative to home bleaching involves a combination of in-office and at home bleaching. With this method, a bleaching solution is applied to your teeth and activated by a light of a special wavelength. This allows the treatment time to be significantly reduced. As with the home method, impressions are made and bleaching trays are fabricated for use at home for a 2-3 day period. This method is preferred by the busy patient or for the patient who does not want to be bothered by a having something to always put in their mouth for a 3 to 4 week compliance period.

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