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2. What kind of economy supports China?

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1 2. What kind of economy supports China?
1. What kind of government rules China, and what is the official name of the country? 2. What kind of economy supports China? 3. What are some of the main cultural aspects of Chinese society? Communist; People’s Republic of China Agriculture (60%); manufacturing

2 Mongolia and Taiwan

3 Mongols Asia steppe Nomadic herders that relied on horses
“Man’s greatest good fortune is to chase and defeat his enemy, seize his total possessions, leave his married women weeping and wailing, and ride his horse.” - Genghis Khan (supreme conqueror) 1206 – unity and died in 1227 Temujin – united Mongol clans and conquered most of Asia Largest unified land empire in history (Pacific coast to Europe) Sons and grandsons moved all directions conquering

4 Chinese took over Mongolia in 1700s History strongly linked to China
Empire broke up in the 1300 Chinese took over Mongolia in 1700s History strongly linked to China 1911 – Mongolians gain independence 1924 – Mongolian People’s Republic What kind of government is this? What country during this time strongly influenced this government? Communists ruled until 1989 Now – democracy and free-enterprise economy

5 Taiwan Formerly known as Formosa
Ethnicities – Chinese, Malay, Polynesian Chinese migrated when famine occurred or new leadership took over 1683 – Manchu Dynasty conquers the island Japan seizes in 1895 and rules until after WWII Nationalist Party moved to Taiwan after Communist defeat in 1949 and set up the Republic of China However, the People’s Republic of China (Communists) have never recognized Taiwan as independent

6 Mongolia and Taiwan Cultural hearth – influenced by China
Mongolia – both ruled (driven out in mid-14th century) and been ruled by China (17th century- 1911) Mongols adopted many Chinese cultural aspects Naadam festival of the Three Games of Men (2300 yrs) Wrestling, archery, and horse racing – receive titles (Mongolian culture) Taiwan is mainly Chinese population = Chinese culture Buddhist temples and museums of Chinese art Universities and daily newspapers Well-educated; language is Northern Chinese or Mandarin 90% believe in a blend of Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism, while a very small percentage are Christian, and even fewer have other beliefs

7 Economies Roots in raising livestock and nomadic lifestyles
Mongolia – historically based on herding sheep, goats, camels, horses and cattle More are raising goats to meet the demand for cashmere Animals used for export and domestic consumption One of the first countries to shift to market economy after Soviet fall Trying to develop other industries – manufacturing and construction Large deposits of coal, petroleum, copper, gold, and iron

8 Economies (cont.) Taiwan – one of world’s most successful economies
Has few natural resources Highly trained and motivated work source Based on manufacturing and trade Radios, televisions, calculators, computers Along with Singapore and South Korea, it is considered an economic tiger Highly industrialized and trade with countries around the world – part of Pacific Rim

9 Daily Life Traditional and modern influences
Mongolia – some are still nomadic Many still raise various livestock Unpredictable, hostile environment with extreme climates long, cold winters (6 months) and short, hot summers (2 months) Winters make it hard for livestock to survive Live in yurts, even in Ulaanbaatar Most now raise their livestock on farms and ranches with small villages in the center with shops, offices, and houses

10 Daily Life (cont.) Taiwan Opened itself to many Western influences
Baseball is popular in Taiwan, and also in other parts of E Asia such as Japan Little League became popular after WWII, and the United States banned teams from foreign countries from participating in the Little League World Series in 1974 Banning was mainly due to the success of Taiwan’s teams, which dominated in the 1970s Banning was rescinded in 1976 Leagues now exist in more than 70 countries

11 History of expansion, growth
Complete this chart Taiwan Issue Mongolia Chinese control History of expansion, growth Culture Economy

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