2017 Budget Development Plan for External Affairs

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Presentation on theme: "2017 Budget Development Plan for External Affairs"— Presentation transcript:

1 2017 Budget Development Plan for External Affairs
Submitted by Dr. Melody L. Carter Vice President for External Affairs and Executive Director for the FVSU Foundation, Inc. April 22, 2016

2 A 7 to 9 Percent Reduction for FY17
The FY16 External Affairs state budget was $1,115,023. A reduction of 7—9 percent for FY17 would represent between $55,751--$100,352. Such a reduction would result in the loss of a salary line and fringe benefits in an essential area:

3 State Funded Employee Salaries and F/B = $742,881
Career and Alumni Services (State 100%, $260,820) Marketing and Communications (State 100%, $310,131) FVSU Foundation, Inc. (State 50%, $109,830); and Office of Development (State 50%, $62,100). However, 60 percent of the External Affairs operating budget and salary lines are externally funded…

4 U. S. Department of Education Grant Funded Employee Salaries and F/B = $1,065,412
Project Administration (TIII 100%, $103,500); Office of Sponsored Programs (TIII 100%, $296,700); Office of Development—(TIII $103,500); Online Technology and Outreach (TIII 100%, $103,500); Educational Talent Search (TRiO 100%, $256,018); Upward Bound (TRiO 100%, $100,000); and FVSU Foundation, Inc. (Private 50%, $102,194). Therefore, I propose an alternative …

5 An ALTERNATIVE solution to reducing External Affairs state funds
Submission of operational funds of $100,352 (the 9% level) from the Title III (DoE) grant for an allowable expenditure. This will… SATISFY the Budget Reduction Plan at all percentage levels AND JUSTIFY retaining the aforementioned External Affairs salary and operational lines per their FY16 funding levels!

6 Here’s why… From 2011—2015 (last five years) Title III concluded its program year with an average of $1 Million in carryover funds! Due to: Difficulties in filling vacancies Administrative changes Hiring and spending freezes A “canned” single-tier financial management system (Georgia First) This demonstrates the potential to sustain an allowable expenditure of a $100,352 AND SUBSTAINTIALY MORE, annually!

7 (the short answer: NO SUPPLANTING);
Here’s how… This is allowable as per the following mandates: The institution must demonstrate that a state position (or unit) has been totally abolished due to the loss of financial resources AND it has no alternate sources of funding available it has no plan for reestablishment of the state position NOR use of personnel title and responsibilities (the short answer: NO SUPPLANTING);

8 Here’s how (continued…)
AND The new operation must be allowable as per specific grant and general federal mandates and not one that an institution would typically have regardless of grant funding.

9 Here’s a Benefit… An opportunity to enhance the infrastructure in areas of… Academic Quality Student Services and Outcomes Fiscal Stability Institutional Management Some years as much as 10 x the 9% ($100,352) maximum reduction request while retaining External Affairs current personnel, vacant salary lines and operation funds!

10 Here’s another Benefit …
Maximizing the reduction request from the grant or rather improving programmatic outcomes… Enhances Indirect Cost Recovery revenue! Protects the core mission of the university Reduces the impact on student engagement Preserves quality AND KEEPS FVSU FIRST!

11 Here are a couple Limitations
Attempting to source an additional salary line—without reducing a current one—would place the grant above the maximum threshold of 50% of salaries funded from the Title III grant. Attempting to source an additional salary line—without reducing a current one—would reduce the opportunity for merit increases from the Title III grant.

Here is an opportunity that can reduce the burden on E&G spending RIGHT NOW: INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Georgia FIRST (Financial, Information & Reporting Systems for Tomorrow) Upgrade ($300,000) One Time Critical Need: $50,000 This one-time critical needs request has the greatest potential to improve FVSU's customer engagement, and by entention its enrollment QUESTIONS FOR ME?

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