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Behavior Therapies: Learning One’s Way to Better Behavior

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1 Behavior Therapies: Learning One’s Way to Better Behavior

2 Learning One’s Way to Better Behavior
Behavior therapies: Action therapies focused on behavior not causes Classical and operant conditioning Behavior modification or applied behavior analysis: Change behaviors via learning techniques Mastering9.7

3 Behavior Therapy Treatment
Emphasizes changing learned behavior rather than understanding feelings. Behavior therapy generally attempts to alter the behavior of the client through specific techniques that are administered during a brief period of time.

4 Classical conditioning techniques
Behavior Therapies Classical conditioning techniques

5 Classical conditioning techniques
Behavior Therapies Classical conditioning techniques

6 Classical conditioning applications
Behavior Therapies Classical conditioning applications Bedwetting Claustrophobia Counterconditioning: pairing the trigger stimulus with a new response that is incompatible with the fear “Boggart in the Wardrobe” clip

7 Classical conditioning applications
Behavior Therapies Classical conditioning applications Bedwetting Claustrophobia Counterconditioning: pairing the trigger stimulus with a new response that is incompatible with the fear Exposure Therapy: Buckbeak the Hippogriff

8 Therapies Based on Classical Conditioning
Exposure therapy of Systematic desensitization: For treating phobias Step 1: Relaxation training Step 2: Fear hierarchy Step 3: Progressive exposure Eye-movement desensitization reprocessing, or EMDR, is a type of exposure therapy used in the treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). It involves imaginal flooding, cognitive reprocessing and desensitization of the fearful event, and rapid eye movements or other bilateral stimulation. L16.16

9 Therapies Based on Classical Conditioning
Exposure therapy: Introduces clients to situations related to their anxieties under controlled conditions Goal: Reduce response to cues or triggers of whatever is causing the patient a problem Behavioral Therapies Flooding: Rapid, intense exposure Eye-movement desensitization reprocessing, or EMDR, is a type of exposure therapy used in the treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). It involves imaginal flooding, cognitive reprocessing and desensitization of the fearful event, and rapid eye movements or other bilateral stimulation. L16.16

10 Professor Gallagher and his controversial technique of simultaneously confronting the fear of heights, snakes, and the dark.

11 Classical conditioning applications
Behavior Therapies Classical conditioning applications Aversive Conditioning

12 Therapies Based on Classical Conditioning
Aversion therapy: Undesirable behavior paired with aversive stimulus Eye-movement desensitization reprocessing, or EMDR, is a type of exposure therapy used in the treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). It involves imaginal flooding, cognitive reprocessing and desensitization of the fearful event, and rapid eye movements or other bilateral stimulation. L16.16

13 Operant conditioning techniques
Behavior Therapies Operant conditioning techniques A type of learning in which behavior is strengthened if followed by a reinforce or diminished if followed by a punisher.

14 Therapies Based on Operant Conditioning
Reinforcement: Strengthening of response by following it with a pleasurable consequence (positive) or the removal of an unpleasant stimulus (negative) Token economy: Reinforcers earned and exchanged for desired things Contingency contract: Formal agreement on behavior change, reinforcements, penalties L16.18

15 Therapies Based on Operant Conditioning
Modeling: Learning via observation and imitation Participant modeling: Model takes client through step-by-step process for desired behavior L16.17

16 Therapies Based on Operant Conditioning
Extinction: Remove reinforcer, reduce undesirable behavior Time Out: Removal from situation that reinforces undesirable behavior Wood 6.21

17 Assignment Create a Case Study
With a partner, identify a condition that you as a therapist would treat with behavior therapy. Describe the patient and their presenting problem. (Tell their story) Describe the specific behavioral treatment you design to address the patient’s problem. Go into detail about what the treatment would be like. Describe the outcome.

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