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Closing Disclosure Request Process

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1 Closing Disclosure Request Process
Mega Capital Funding

2 Are you ready for your CD?
Mega Capital Funding Closing Disclosure Request Process Are you ready for your CD? Loan must be in the following status: Approved, Condition Review, Clear to Close The loan must be locked. If not, the process can not be started. Do you have all the fees validated with invoices; updated estimated settlement statement? Is your appraisal received by Mega Capital? Do you have a PIW? If the value may change – you are not ready.

3 Mega Capital Funding Closing Disclosure Request Process
Go to Mega Capital’s website Login to the portal. On the Dashboard you will see CD Request Form. Click on it.

4 The form will open. Input all fields and download the pdf. .
Mega Capital Funding Closing Disclosure Request Process The form will open. Input all fields and download the pdf. .

5 Mega Capital Funding Closing Disclosure Request Process

6 Mega Capital Funding Closing Disclosure Request Process
The Form part 2 When you click on download PDF, it will auto save to your downloads. Your system may save it differently. The form can be edited once it is downloaded.

7 Are the attachments ready?
Mega Capital Funding Closing Disclosure Request Process Are the attachments ready? If you have your attachments saved on your desktop, those attachment can be uploaded into the Edocs Box separately. You will see this process on future slides of this presentation If you have the ability to merge your attachments with the completed CD Request form, that is acceptable. All the items need to be provided or the CD Request will be cancelled by the CD Team. Now that we are fully ready – let’s Request the Closing Disclosure.

8 Click on Broker Pipeline. Click on Loans. Click on the loan number.
Mega Capital Funding Closing Disclosure Request Process Click on Broker Pipeline. Click on Loans. Click on the loan number.

9 Once in the loan find the Disclosure Tab. Click on it.
Mega Capital Funding Closing Disclosure Request Process Once in the loan find the Disclosure Tab. Click on it.

10 If you are not locked, you will get this message.
Mega Capital Funding Closing Disclosure Request Process

11 Mega Capital Funding Closing Disclosure Request Process
Click on Request Initial Closing Disclosure. If you are not locked, this button will be greyed out.

12 Choose File will be the easiest way to go.
Mega Capital Funding Closing Disclosure Request Process Click on Choose File to upload your form. You can upload one item here. If your attachments are not merged with your form, you will need to upload them on the Edoc screen.. If you click on the Download Request Form button, you will have to print the form, fill in the form manually, scan and then upload the form. Choose File will be the easiest way to go.

13 Mega Capital Funding Closing Disclosure Request Process
Click Submit. Only ONCE! There is no hour glass or spinning wheels. The documents are transmitting into LQB.

14 The CD request has been ordered
The CD request has been ordered. You can see your order date and time stamp. You can see the comments you typed in the Message to Lender box. Mega Capital Funding Closing Disclosure Request Process

15 Mega Capital Funding Closing Disclosure Request Process
Go to Edocs to upload the rest of the necessary documents. Drop and Drag or choose file to gather the items.

16 Mega Capital Funding Closing Disclosure Request Process
Be sure to place the documents in the appropriate folders: Broker Use only; CD Request Folder

17 Your Request form and the separate attachment uploads are viewable in the Document List.
Mega Capital Funding Closing Disclosure Request Process

18 What happens if I am not really ready for my CD but I request it?
Mega Capital Funding Closing Disclosure Request Process What happens if I am not really ready for my CD but I request it? I upload the attachments but I am not locked. The system will not allow you to click Order Initial Closing Disclosure on the Disclosue Tab. You have to be locked; not in Requested Rate Lock status. I don’t have the correct loan amount on my estimated settlement statement – the CD request will be cancelled, and you will have to request it again. The appraisal is not in yet? The request will be cancelled by the CD team. You can cancel the request as well if you are not ready. Once you are ready, you can go back to the Disclosure tab and start the process again.

19 If you do not have an Account Executive please call our main office:
Mega Capital Funding Closing Disclosure Request Process Mega Capital Funding Should you have any questions, please reach out to your Account Executive. If you do not have an Account Executive please call our main office:

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