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Brands ELL 3044.

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Presentation on theme: "Brands ELL 3044."— Presentation transcript:

1 Brands ELL 3044

2 1. luxury brand 2. brand leader 3. brand name & name brand
Loyalty Leader Stretching Awareness Image 1. luxury brand 2. brand leader 3. brand name & name brand 4. brand awareness 5. brand stretching 6. brand image 7. brand loyalty

3 Warm Up Questions 1. What are some of your favorite brands?
2. What image and qualities does each one have? 3. How long have you been using those brands? 4. Do you buy luxury brands? What separates a brand from a luxury brand? 5. Is there any brand you will not buy? 6. If you saw a fake product of a brand you like for a reasonable price, would you buy it?

4 The origin of branding

5 Branding is…a form of ownership that farmers would use on their cows and other livestock (sheep, horses, pigs) Manufactures (wine makers) would use brands on their boxes to show possession and creation. In 2010 Coca-Cola was valued at $70,452,000,000. In 1886 they sold 9 bottles… In 2010 they sold 1,600,000,000 bottles. Products, services, religion, places, and people can be branded. Branding

6 Branding… a product, a service, a city, a person

7 VOCABULARY 1. merchandise (goods / products)
2. (a) counterfeit, a knockoff, (a) fake 3. I was ripped off. // they ripped me off. // a rip-off 4. an imitation 5. genuine 6. pirated, pirate (illegally download) // a fine 7. reasonable

8 to scam/ to con (someone)
Noun Verb Person a counterfeit  to counterfeit a counterfeiter  a fake to fake  (a faker) a scam / a con to scam/ to con (someone)   a scam artist a con artist a con man

9 Discussion 1. Have you been ripped off? What did you buy? How much did it cost? Did you try to get your money back? 2. Have you bought a counterfeit product? Where did you buy it? Was it worth it? 3. Do you pirate music? movies? TV shows? 4. Would you buy knockoffs of your favorite brand? If so, does that hurt your brand?

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