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The Unification of Italy and Germany

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1 The Unification of Italy and Germany

2 Nationalism Belief that loyalty should be to a nation of people who share a common culture & history


4 Revolutions of 1848 Mid 1800s a serious of revolutions occur throughout Europe Nationalism is the main driving force France sets of other revolutions through out Europe

5 Crimean War: Russia vs Ottoman Empire
Ottomans control most of Balkans Russia wants to expand into Balkans If Russia succeeds they will be a major power in East Europe 1853- Russia invades Turkish Balkans Ottomans declare War 1854- Great Britain and France declare war on Russia 1856- Heavy losses. Russia seeks peace. Treaty of Paris.

6 Crimean War Results Austria now enemies with Russia for not siding with them. Russia no longer strongest power in Europe Allows for unification of Italy and Germany

7 Germany

8 German Unification Napoleon forces the annexation of several German Lands German people call for unification A short lived confederation is set up (Metternich)

9 Otto Von Bismark From the Prussian Empire
Succeeds in Unifying the German States with a series of wars Goal was to make Prussia more powerful He would best achieve this by unifying the German States

10 Prussia’s Prime Minister
Otto von Bismarck (1862) Ignores Legislature: increases taxes Raises powerful army

11 Prussia defeats Denmark (north) with Austrian help
Drive Austria into war. Prussia turns on Austria and takes Austrian Territory (north) Northern Germany is Formed Franco-Prussian War: war with the French now gives Prussia control of Southern Germany France is no longer the major power in Europe Germany is united. Most powerful country in Europe. Economically and Militarily Superior

12 Germany


14 Italy

15 Unification of Italy: 9 states
Austria strongest country on Italian peninsula Revolution fails Piedmont leads unification under King Victor Emmanuel II Emmanuel names Camillo Cavour Prime Minister, creates large army Piedmont Allies with French. Provoke Austrians into war. Austrians lose: French take Nice, Savoy (north area) Austrians still control Venetia (north east)

16 Italy

17 Southern Italy Giuseppe Garibaldi unites (Sicily and Naples: South) Is able to conquer Tuscany Italy is now united except for French controlled Rome (center) and Austrian controlled Venetia (north east) Garibaldi gives conquered lands to Piedmont Venetia given to Italy for support of Prussia in war against Austria Franco-Prussian war: French lose Rome to Prussia Rome becomes capital of Italy

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