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Seed Period Aims & Milestones

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2 Seed Period Aims & Milestones
Three Aims to Build Capacity and Sustainability: Assemble resources for a cyberinfrastructure system to support CEMI researchers; Facilitate interdisciplinary research collaborations; and Secure sustainable external funding. Milestones: Years 1 and 2 of seed funding: Recruit additional scientists and clinicians and inspire a culture of collegiality and action-relevant science; Identify, begin, and complete collaborative shovel-ready and pilot research; generate high quality publications; Solidify research collaborations and support new/continuing R01-level proposal development; and Leverage established core team collaborations in support of NIH funding requests. Year 3 of seed funding: Secure extramural funding and continue activities of years 1 and 2. Post Year 3: Submit NIH P-level proposal that will provide long term Center-level funds.

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