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Aim: How was the Spanish-American War a turning point for the United States? Do Now: a) Spanish-American War Video and Questions Homework: NONE.

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Presentation on theme: "Aim: How was the Spanish-American War a turning point for the United States? Do Now: a) Spanish-American War Video and Questions Homework: NONE."— Presentation transcript:

1 Aim: How was the Spanish-American War a turning point for the United States?
Do Now: a) Spanish-American War Video and Questions Homework: NONE


3 Spanish-American War Video
1. What did opponents to imperialism say about Americas new found involvement to build a colonial empire? Equality & liberty should be given to all – the consent of the governed should come from its people. 2. What makes enthusiasm for war almost unanimous among the American people? Make a statement to the world – we are imperialists. We will bring our superior ways to those in need. 3. What did U.S. Sec. of State John Hay say about the war in Cuba? A splendid little war

4 Spanish-American War Video
4. At the end of the Spanish American War with the signing of the Treaty of Paris what did the U.S gain as a result? Cuba, Puerto Rico, & the Philippines

5 Results of the Spanish-American War
We became a colonial power! The War The Spanish American War lasted only about four months were the U.S. won almost every major battle. It was fought on only two fronts: the Caribbean and the Pacific

6 Results of the Spanish-American War
The Treaty of Pairs (1899) US gains Guam and Puerto Rico Spain grants Cuba its’ independence Spain ‘sold’ the Philippines to the U.S. for the bargain price of $20 million.

7 Results of the Spanish-American War
Platt Amendment (1900) Cuba would sell or lease a piece of land to the United States for use as a naval and coaling station. Cuba would not allow any foreign power other than the United States to acquire Cuban territory. Cuba would allow the United States to intervene in the country whenever it was necessary to protect American citizens living in Cuba.

8 U.S. Leaves in 1946

9 Results of Spanish-American War
Who does the waiter represent? Who does the customer represent? What is on the menu? What is the main idea of the political cartoon?

10 Results of Spanish-American War on America
What does the eagle represent? What message does this cartoon convey? American Imperialism What will need to increase now as a result of the Spanish-American War? United States

11 Differing Views on Imperialism
“Just beyond the Philippines are China’s illimitable (limitless) markets…China is our natural customer…[Britain, Germany and Russia] have moved nearer to China by securing permanent bases on her borders. The Philippines give us a base at the door of all the East… they [the Filipinos] are a barbarous race, modified by three centuries of contact with a decadent race [the Spanish]…It is barely possible that 1,000 men in all the archipelago are capable of self-government in the Anglo-Saxon sense… The Declaration [of Independence] applies only to people capable of self-government.” -Senator Alfred Beveridge (1900) “We hold that the policy known as imperialism is hostile to liberty and tends towards militarism… We regret that it has become necessary in the land of Washington and Lincoln to reaffirm that all men, of whatever race or color, are entitled to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. We maintain that governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed. We insist that the subjugation (conquest) of any people is “criminal aggression” and open disloyalty to the distinctive principles of our government.” -Platform of the American Anti-Imperialist League ( 1899)


13 United States is recognized as a world power.
Closing Question: How was the Spanish-American War a turning point for the United States? United States is recognized as a world power. The United States moved away From its traditional foreign policy of Isolationism.

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