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2 Issues in the Conflict In the recent past- the Arab-Israeli conflict is the single most prominent and dangerous confrontation in the Middle East and SW Asia Cold war Connections: US supports Israel, Russia supports the Araba (Muslims) Tolerance and Intolerance: Religion, Ethnicity and Culture Property: Land, Property, Water and re-settlements Long historical disputes of all of the above… history of injustices, revenge, discrimination… Series of conflicts and wars


4 First Arab-Israeli War “War of Independence”
Israel created on May 14th 1948 – immediately invaded by a combined Arab force. Israel wins Israel retained Western Jerusalem, Galilee and the Negev and annexed (took) 75% of what had been the British Palestinian Mandate territories Arabs states started an economic boycott of Israeli goods and made raids into Israel Israel will attack Egyptian garrisons (forts) in the Gaza Strip in Feb 1955 Massive Arab refugees fleeing Israel and the “war areas”.


6 Second Arab-Israeli War “Suez Crisis”
29 October 1956 – 5 November 1956 Egypt took control of the Suez canal and blocked the Straits of Tiran No ship movement in the Suez Canal for Israel Israel + UK + FR invaded the Sinai and the Gaza Strip US and UN pressure forced Israel to with draw it’s forces

7 Third Arab- Israeli War “6 Day War”
5-10 June 1967 Leading up to this war… Egypt blocked the Straits of Tiran and put troops into the Sinai Peninsula Israel attacked Egypt, Jordan and Syria on 5 June 1967. In 6 days Israel captured the Golan Heights from Syria, the eastern half of Jerusalem from Jordan and the Gaza Strip and Sinai Peninsula up to the Suez Canal- doubled the area of land that Israel controlled

8 Fourth Arab-Israeli War “Yom Kippur War” or the “October War”
Israeli holy day Yom Kippur or the Day of Atonement Israeli forces were surprised Egypt invaded the through the Suez Canal and almost defeated Israel The US provided massive airlift and resupplied Israel Israeli counter-attack drove the Egyptians and Syrians back US diplomacy negotiated a “cease-fire” and an uneasy peace took hold The US was a target of an Arab Oil embargo as punishment for helping Israel After 1973 Sect. of State Kissinger moved back and forth, “Shuttle diplomacy” trying to arrange a permeant peace with limited success The Arab-Israeli conflict continued…

9 Camp David Accords 5 - 17 September 1978 – 12 days of Secret talks-
Pres. Carter – USA, Pres. Anwar Sadat- Egypt and Prime Minister Menachem Begin of Israel met at Camp David in Annapolis Maryland Based on continuing the 1973 Geneva Peace Accord/Agreement Sadat and Begin hated each other and would not meet face to face. Pres. Carter had to go from cabin to cabin to negotiate a peace. This is “Shuttle Diplomacy”. Pres. Carter was relentless- progress achieved through sustained efforts and communications Israeli-Egypt Peace Treaty: Israel had to withdraw troops from the Sinai, Egypt was limited on how many troops it could have in the Sinai and Egypt had to open diplomatic relations with Israel and allow for safe passage through the Suez Canal

10 Camp David Accords – outcome
Camp David Accords – outcome The US is caught up in their alliance with Israel Egypt (Sadat) was viewed as weak- the “United Arab front” against Israel was weakened This Arab weakness will result in Sadam Hussein to step up and invade Iran (1980), then Kuwait (1991) then be defeated by the US (2003) President Sadat (Egypt) and Prime Minister Begin (Israel) will each receive the Nobel Peace Prize in 1978 President Carter will be caught up in the Iranian Hostage Crisis Arab countries and OPEC will punish the US with oil embargos Arab/Muslim fanatics will target the “West” and the US with terroristic attacks (1993, 2000 and 2001) Pres. Carter will receive the Nobel Peace Prize in 2000 Pres. Clinton will attempt to re-negotiate a peace treaty between Israel and Arab nations/Palestine without success.

11 Nobel Peace Prize October 1978 Egyptian President Anwar Sadat and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem begin are jointly awarded the 1978 Nobel Peace Prize for their efforts in bringing about peace between Israel and Egypt. President Carter will be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2002

12 Fifth Arab-Israeli “Lebanon War”
6 June 1982 – 1984 Palestinian Guerrillas in Lebanon led Arab raids on Israel Israel retaliates and launched a full attack on Lebanon June 14 Beirut was encircled (surrounded) and the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) and Syrian forces were evacuated to Syria December 1982 a Multi-national Peace-keeping force went to Beirut to promote peace Israel will maintained a “security-zone” against the Palestinian and “Hezbollah guerrilla incursions


14 Arab-Israeli Issues in the 1990’s…
1993 The Oslo Accords resulted in disappointment Israeli soldiers were killed in Lebanon- Israel launched a 7 day attack 1994 Israeli- Jordan Peace treaty – sort of happened 1996 Hezbollah Guerrillas in southern Lebanon fired rockets into northern Israel Israel launched a 17 day attack on Lebanon, “Grapes of Wrath” conflict May 2000 Israeli troop withdrew from southern Lebanon and were replaced by UN Forces and Lebanese soldiers Negotiations with Syria have failed- due to the Syrian Civil War/Arab Spring 2001 Pres. William Clinton attempted a Israeli-Palestinian Peace at Camp David- it failed 2012 The UN recognized Palestine as a “de facto state” although it is still categorized as a “sovereign state”. It is not an official nation yet.


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