Doral Academy Preparatory Charter Ms. Canu & Ms. Vega

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1 Doral Academy Preparatory Charter Ms. Canu & Ms. Vega
Dance Uniforms Doral Academy Preparatory Charter Ms. Canu & Ms. Vega

2 Required Class Materials
Black Tank Leotard Black Jazz Shoes Beige Foot Undies or Foot Paws Black Jazz Pants/Black Capri Pants/Black Bikers with tights. (Choose one. Not all items are required)

3 Available for purchase @ DAPC
BLACK TANK LEOTARD $20 While Supplies Last!

4 Available for purchase @ DAPC
Black Jazz Pants $30 While Supplies Last!

5 Available for purchase @ DAPC

6 NOT Available for Purchase @DAPC
AND OR Beige Foot Paws Beige Foot Undies Black Jazz Shoes You can choose between Foot Paws & Foot Undies. YOU DON’T NEED BOTH! You MUST have ONE pair of shoes by Monday, SEPT. 19TH These items can be purchased at any dance store or online. SUGGESTED RETAILER: Dancing Supplies Depot 10556 SW 8th Street (on 107th Ave. & 8th Street) Tan Tights

7 Hair must TIGHTLY secured away from the face
HAIR STYLES FOR CLASS Hair must TIGHTLY secured away from the face AT ALL TIMES! Examples: Ponytail Bun Bun w/Hairnet French Braid


9 When do I need to bring my dance uniform to class?
All students should have the required uniform materials by: Mon. Sept. 19th (B-Day) or Tues. Sept. 20th (A-Day) BRING YOUR UNIFORM EVERY CLASS! PUT YOUR NAME ON EVERYTHING! Doral Academy is NOT responsible for any lost/stolen items. Until Sept 19th students can bring comfortable stretchy clothing from home to dance in.

10 Classroom Procedures Upon Entering the room check the bulletin board for: Attendance/Dress Out Sit in rows for attendance. DO NOT approach the teacher with questions before attendance! Announcements/Questions. Daily Activity Change back into school uniform.

11 DRESSING ROOM RULES You have 5 minutes after the bell rings to change.
No personal items should be left in the dressing room! All personal items go on the shelves after leaving the dressing room. Items left in the dressing room are not the responsibility of the teacher or Doral Academy.

12 CLASSROOM RULES NO SOCKS!!! Students must wear approved dance shoes or sneakers. NO FOOD or GUM! Students caught chewing gum will be fined $1 dollar. Repeat offenders will be issued a detention. NO ELECTRONIC DEVICES with out preapproval of the teacher. NO TALKING during warm-up, dance exercises and instruction. NO JEWLERY. Large earrings, bracelets and necklaces can be a hazard to you and your classmates when dancing in close proximity. HAIR MUST BE TIGHTLY SECURED. Example: ponytail, bun. BE RESPECTFUL TO YOUR TEACHERS & CLASSMATES. Examples: Raise your hand, listen when others are speaking, wait your turn. BRING YOUR UNIFORM EVERY CLASS. GIVE YOUR BEST EFFORT & HAVE FUN!

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