Zero Conditional (Type 0)

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1 Zero Conditional (Type 0)
IF Clauses Zero Conditional (Type 0)

F a c t s General truth If clause, main clause IF + GENİŞ ZAMAN, GENİŞ ZAMAN

3 If you heat water, it evaporiseS. If you cut your finger, it bleedS.
If you heat ice, it meltS. If you heat water, it evaporiseS. If you cut your finger, it bleedS. If we freeze water, it becomeS ice. If the weather is windy, the sea becomeS wavy.

4 If we heat butter, it meltS.
If we heat water at 100 degrees centigrate, it boilS. If a man’s heart stopS, he dieS. If we take a fish out of water, it dieS. If we throw a piece of wood into the fire, it burnS.

5 If we throw something up, it dropS back on the ground.
If we throw a stone into water, it sinkS. If you don’t breathe, you die. If you bend a match stick, it breakS. If you press the button, the door openS.

6 General Truths

7 If a person always tellS a lie, nobody believeS him.
If a students doesn’t study enough, he failS. If a person hearS good news, he becomeS happy. If we look in the mirror, we see ourselves in it. If you study, you pass.

8 If you respect others, they respect you, too.
If you love, everybody loveS you, too. If you do something again & again, you remember it. If I give a promise, I keep it. If you run fast, you get tired.

9 If you………………… (heat) water, it………………… (evaporate)
evaporiteS If you………………… (heat) water, it………………… (evaporate)

10 If you…………………. (heat) ice, it………………. (melt)

11 If you……………. (cut) your finger, it…………... (bleed)
bleedS If you……………. (cut) your finger, it…………... (bleed)

12 If we……………. (freeze) water, it…………… (become) ice.
becomeS If we……………. (freeze) water, it…………… (become) ice.

13 If the weather………. (be) windy, the sea…………… (become) wavy.
is becomeS If the weather………. (be) windy, the sea…………… (become) wavy.

14 If you ………………. (not water) plants, they ……….. (die).
don’t water die If you ………………. (not water) plants, they ……….. (die).

15 leave gets If you………….. (leave) metal out in the rain, ıt…….…. (get) rusty

16 get mix If you………….. (mix) yellow and blue, you…………. (get)green.

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