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A use case for your third client meeting

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1 A use case for your third client meeting
What to put on your Google Group for them to review! This is one of two “hint” documents for this week. The other is about prototyping the back end.

2 A. Revise the features you’ll do
Based on client feedback from your second client meeting – Revise the priorities of your features Make any changes to the features themselves

3 B. Pick a feature to prototype
Should be something both “important” and “urgent”. If necessary, swap a feature with another team, by mutual agreement. This feature will become the one that you “prototype” in a GUI for MS 2.

4 C. Create a use case for this feature
Use the “use case process” described in slides for Monday, Sep 23 Know your intended actor! Include a main flow and alternatives / extensions Be sure to indicate what the pre and post conditions are

5 D. Compare with other info you have about this feature
Does it sound like the main “user story” for this feature? Does it look like the storyboard, if there was one?

6 E. Draw a picture of the screen
Show a first try of what the graphical design would look like, to accompany this use case. Try stepping through the use case, to see if the main parts of the action could be explained using the image you just did. As suggested in Milestone 2 rubric, you could just do this in ppt.

7 F. If possible, get your PM’s advice
You’ll also be talking with them about MS 1 and HW 3, but This can be on the meeting agenda, too. Useful to alert them to its existence on Google Groups ahead of time!

8 G. Post the use case in your Google Group
Make sure it’s a public document. Call it “Team<team name>FirstUseCase.docx” (or some other file type your client could edit). Include the screen picture. Post there 24 hours ahead of your client meeting. I’ll notify your clients to go look on the Google Groups. Whew! That’s it. Note 1 – This also will become a part of your Milestone 2. This and more use cases are a good part of that. Note 2 – We do not have an explicit inter-team communication set up for this. We’ll see how it goes!

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