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Vocabulary Lesson 5 Using Synonyms.

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1 Vocabulary Lesson 5 Using Synonyms

2 1. Privation (n) Synonym: lack - loss – bereavement - deprivation, want, need, distress Definition: lack of the basic necessities or comforts of life; the state of being deprived e.g. His life of privation began to affect his health.

3 2. Solace (n./v.): Synonym: comfort - consolation - easement
Definition: comfort during a time of sorrow or distress; a source of comfort e.g. His presence was a solace to her.

4 3. Introspection: (n) Synonym: self-examination - self-counsel - self-communion – soul-searching Definition: contemplation of one’s own thoughts & feelings; the act of looking within oneself.  e.g. This trauma forced me to make an introspection into my own mind.

5 4. Provisional: (adj.) Synonym: temporary – makeshift – conditional
Definition: serving a certain purpose for the time being, but not permanently e.g.  a provisional government.

6 5. Bereft: (v) Synonym: deprived – wanting - bereaved
Definition: deprived of or lacking something; suffering the loss of a loved one e.g. They are bereft of their senses. He is bereft of all happiness.

7 6. Epiphany (n.): Synonym: insight – revelation – realization
Definition: sudden understanding, insight, or revelation about an underlying truth; a sudden, intuitive perception of or insight into the reality or essential meaning of something – a Christian festival e.g. "I experienced an epiphany, a spiritual flash that would change the way I viewed myself." (Frank Maier)

8 7. Fortuitous (adj.): Synonym: accidental – unexpected – casual
Definition: occurring by chance, accidental; lucky, fortunate e.g. A fortuitous encounter with a former schoolmate led to a new and successful career for the artist.

9 8. Melancholy: (adj.) Synonym: sadness – despair – sullenness
Definition: sadness, depression, gloom; thoughtful reflection e.g. a mood of melancholy. "There is melancholy in the wind and sorrow in the Grass." (Charles Kuralt)

10 9. Avocation: (n) Synonym: hobby – side interest – pastime
Definition: an enjoyable activity outside one’s regular work Or something a person does in addition to a principal occupation, esp. for pleasure e.g. Our doctor's avocation is painting.

11 10. Renaissance: (n.) Synonym: rebirth – revival
Definition: a period of vigorous intellectual or artistic activity

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