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His birthday present is a cinema ticket Designed by (0603010421)

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Presentation on theme: "His birthday present is a cinema ticket Designed by (0603010421)"— Presentation transcript:


2 His birthday present is a cinema ticket Designed by (0603010421)

3 The theoretical basis: Bottom-up model Introduce new vocabulary and structures Improve reading speed and reading comprehension Efficient reading Automatic recognition of words

4 What is it in English? It is ….


6 What kinds of presents would you like to get? Why would you like to choose it?

7 Words &Phrases a silk shirt a pair of jeans a box of chocolates a pair of trainers a cinema ticket a concert ticket a T-shirt a CD a novel a MP4

8 T/F questions: Damnings uncle likes books,but he does not like football.( ) Bettys aunt and uncle like the cinema.Their favorite film is lord of the Rings.( ) Tonys sister often buys CDs by her favorite singers.( ) Linglings father doesnt go to football matches.He watches TV.( ) Damnings mother doesnt wear jeans.( ) They often watch TV.They dont go to the cinema. F

9 Complete the sentences. Damnings uncle: His birthday present is_____. Damnings mother: Her birthday present is_____. Tonys sister: Her birthday present is_____. Linglings father: His birthday present is _____. Bettys aunt: Her birthday present is_____. a novel/a magazine/a cinema ticket. a silk shirt. a CD/a concert ticket. a novel. a pair of jeans/trainers/a T-shirt /a CD/a concert ticket.

10 Activity Work in group of four try to do a interview to use some words and sentences structures we just learnt to describe What kinds of presents would your friends like to get?& Why?" and then act-out.

11 Summary : Words &Phrases a silk shirt a pair of jeans a box of chocolates a pair of trainers a cinema ticket a concert ticket a T-shirt a CD a novel a MP4 Sentences Structures a) He/She likes/doesnt like… b) He/She usually/often/always/never…

12 Optional Homework: Make a list of things you like and do Work in pairs.Talk about things your partner like and do.Write a description of your parents. (Use My father/mother likes…He/She usually/often…)

13 They give us lives. They give us all of their love. But they dont want any rewards. They always teach us. They always remember everything about us. But we even do not remember anything about them.

14 Thank you for your listening!

15 Blackboard design: Unite2 His birthday present is a cinema ticket Words &Phrases a silk shirt a pair of jeans a box of chocolates a pair of trainers a cinema ticket a concert ticket a T-shirt a CD a novel a MP4 Sentences Structures a) He/She likes/doesnt like… b) He/She usually/often/always/never…

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