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Encyclopaedia of informality ‘Invisible Words, Invisible Worlds’

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1 Encyclopaedia of informality ‘Invisible Words, Invisible Worlds’
The Global Encyclopaedia of Informality, a collection of practices from all over the world, marginal to corruption Signed entries focusing on (Name of the informal practice; Definition and its translation into other languages; How widely it is used?; In which countries/regions/ sectors is it spread?; Identify analogous practices, named differently in different countries (if possible); How does it relate to other informal practices (discuss similarities and differences if possible); What are the implications of the chosen practice for politics/economy/ society?; Which other practices is it linked with?; Which method was or can be used for researching this practice?; Examples; How can the practice be measured?) Expected length: 1,500 words including bibliography Print and online resource Book proposal to Cambridge University Press as part of the ANTICORRP submission If interested in contributing, please, send an to with a brief summary of your intended contribution along with a short academic biography.

2 UCL deliverable, January 2017
Slavonic and East European Review: special issue, January 2017, The Slavonic and East European Review, Innovations in Corruption Studies in Europe and Beyond What do we mean by innovation?: 1. Theoretical perspective (a) conceptual developments in corruption studies; (b) the global scope & everyday aspects of corruption and informality. 2. Methodological perspective (beyond perception studies) Timeline: Submission for peer-reviewing process: 1st October 2015  Return of peer-reviewed comments to authors: March 2016 Submission of final papers: 1st July 2016 Publication date: January 2017 How much progress so far?: Table of contents drafted, expecting submissions in September 2015

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