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“What is it and why is it important?”

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1 “What is it and why is it important?”
ANTHROPOLOGY “What is it and why is it important?”

2 Objectives You will be able to define the term anthropology.
You will be able to explain the importance of anthropology and how it help understanding the story of human existence and the differences between the various cultures of the world.

3 Anthropology - Definition
Comes from the Greek words anthropos (human) and logia (study) Translated - “the study of humankind” The purpose of anthropology is: to understand how different cultures have developed over time to explain why different cultures develop differently

4 Goal of Anthropology To advance knowledge of who we are, how we became that way, and where we may go in the future Types of things anthropologists can study Exotic - religion of Australian aborigines Common - anatomy of the human foot Broad - evolution of language Microscopic - fossils Fun - how students chose the prom king and queen

5 Examples of what Anthropology Can Help Us Better Understand
Can help a soldier going to Iraq Can help a student going to school in another part of the country Going to visit family in another area Foreign exchange students Emmitt Till U.S. Soldier in Iraq

6 Types of Questions Anthropologists Ask
Do all societies have marriage customs? As a species, are human beings innately violent or peaceful? Did the earliest humans have light or dark skins? When did people first begin speaking a language? How related are humans, monkeys and chimpanzees? Is the human brain still evolving?

7 Quotes From Students who have Studied Anthropology
“Anthropology helps you think more about yourself and your way of life.” Anthropology is good to learn because it helps you realize that all cultures have their own special qualities.” “Through anthropology, you will understand that although some things other cultures do are different, they are not weird.”

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