Wolf Brother Chapters 1-5.

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Presentation on theme: "Wolf Brother Chapters 1-5."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wolf Brother Chapters 1-5

2 How well did you read? Answer the following questions on loose-leaf paper.
What does Fa ask Torak to do for him? Why does Fa tell Torak to run? Why does Torak live without a clan? Why does the cub think that his family is ignoring him? Why doesn’t Torak kill the cub? What is the Moon of Red Willow, and why does this concern Torak?

3 In clans: Name your clan, and design your clan’s flag. The flag must have a logo or symbol, your clan’s name, and the names of the clan members. Nominate one member of the tribe to present the flag to the class.

4 Clan Work What is personified the most in this novel? Find five good examples to support your answer. Why is this thing personified? Describe Torak’s relationship with this person, place, or thing.

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