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Past Tense 1. ed : learn--learned 2. e d: close--closed 3. +y y ied:study-- studied 4. +y ed: play-- played.

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2 Past Tense


4 1. ed : learn--learned 2. e d: close--closed 3. +y y ied:study-- studied 4. +y ed: play-- played

5 go--went come--came buy--bought bring--brought

6 a year ago ( last night the day before yesterday long ago = a long time ago the other day = a few days ago just now

7 Examples: 1. Ted was at home yesterday. is 2. They went to a baseball game last Sunday. go 3.During last winter vacation, David took a trip to the U.S. take

8 Practice 1. She________( go ) to the party last night. 2. My father _______(come) home just now. 3. Columbus ________ ( discover ) America in 1492. 4. She ________ ( leave ) just now. 5. I _______ ( see ) her the other day. 6. I _________( meet ) her ten minutes ago. 7. It has been ten years since I _______ (move) here. 8. I __________ (make ) it a rule to exercise for an hour in the morning. The Answers:

9 1. She went to the party last night. 2. My father came home just now. 3. Columbus discovered America in 1492. 4. She left just now. 5. I saw her the other day. 6. I met her ten minutes ago. 7. It has been ten years since I moved here. 8. I made it a rule to exercise for an hour in the morning.

10 Ved….,Ved….,Ved Ex: I cleaned my house and washed the dishes. When…Ved…,…Ved. Ex: When I went out yesterday, it rained.

11 ( used to….. Ex:I used to take the bus home. There used to be….. Ex: There used to be a park here. …. It is + + since +….Ved Ex: It has been ten years since I moved here.

12 Short Story: (underline the past tense and the past time) Once upon a time, a young woman named Cinderella lived with her stepmother and two stepsisters. They were very cruel to her and made her do all the work. One day the king announced,Every young woman must attend the royal ball, Oh, Cinderella, you must help us get ready to go, said her stepsisters. Soon they left without her. But Cinderellas fairy godmother came to her rescue.

13 Q:Suppose you were the fairy godmother, what would you do to help Cinderella? (use the past tense to finish the story) wave the magic wand change something into another dance with somebody look for somebody/something marry the prince live happily ever after the end

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