Rising Senior Info Night

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Presentation on theme: "Rising Senior Info Night"— Presentation transcript:

1 Rising Senior Info Night
Class of 2019 Rising Senior Info Night

2 What to do this summer

3 COMMUNICATE Communication can often be one of the biggest stressors
Set aside a set day once a week where college talk is fair game (parents relax and seniors aren’t shutting down) Have an immediate and honest conversation about how college will be paid

4 SUMMER READING (and we don’t mean Social Media)
Reading can naturally improve test scores Try to do more than just required reading While we’re talking about Social Media: Now is the time to go through and clean up your pictures. *Rule of thumb: If you would be embarrassed if your grandma saw it don’t post it! Colleges Look!

5 INTERNSHIPS See Mr. Thrasher
If you have a lead on an Internship feel free to reach out to them and speak with Mr. Thrasher. Gain valuable experience Build your resume Great for college applications and recommendations

English I, II, III and IV Math I, II, III and Advanced Math Earth Science, Biology, Physical Science American I, American II, Civics, World Physical Education/Health 4 PLTW Courses (Intro, Principles + 2 other advanced courses) 28 credits total

7 12th GRADE CORE COURSES English IV Honors or ENG 232/241
Advanced Level Math Honors World History or HIS 111/112 CTE Advanced Studies (Internship) Advanced Level PLTW course 3-4 Electives from college credit courses or Advanced level PLTW

8 SENIOR CHECKLIST See the website to print out the checklist.
College Planning Year by Year

9 When Do I Apply For College?
October is considered Application Month. Apply only to your top 3-5 choices. (Safe school, reach school and others in between) Many schools have Priority Filing deadlines.

10 The Application Process
Online applications -preferred CFNC.org applications for any NC School (you can also send your transcript free of charge via CFNC) Common Application Paper Applications

11 What is a Transcript? A complete record of your grades, rank in class and credits. (through the 6th semester) See Mrs. Parham to request paper transcripts. The cost is $ Transcript will be in a sealed envelope. Student is responsible for mailing. See website for request form. Must submit a transcript for each college application. AB Tech transcripts will need to be requested through AB Tech.

12 What Is An Application Deadline?
Each college has a Deadline for Applications to be Submitted. Many Deadlines are early (November 1 for several NC Colleges) Some Early Deadlines are for a Binding Decision; this means if you are admitted to the school you are committed to attending that school. Check each application you complete for all deadlines.

13 The Recommendation Complete Official Request for Letter of Recommendation. (On NDA Website) Make copies for teachers, outside references and counselor. Share where you are applying. Include addressed envelope and stamp**. Give the teacher plenty of time. School Report Forms- Some Recommendations are specific and ask recommenders to complete a form. *

14 Take the ACT/SAT SAT-$57 (with essay) $45 (without essay)
ACT Plus Writing - $58.50, ACT no writing- $42.50 NDA School Code: Take one this summer and another in the early Fall

15 NCAA Eligibility Center
Register with the eligibility center After junior year, have Mrs. Parham send your transcript When taking the ACT or SAT, request test scores to be sent to the eligibility center (the code is "9999"). Complete amateurism questionnaire and sign the final authorization signature online on or after April 1 if you are expecting to enroll in college in the fall semester. Request a final transcript with proof of graduation be sent to the eligibility center in June. Check with Mrs. Parham at the end of the school year to make sure she has you on the list.

Students hoping to complete an associates degree at the same time as graduation should make an appointment with Dr. Pollock on the AB Tech campus. A.A. and A.S. Degree requirements can be found on the AB Tech website. (College degrees are not the responsibility of your school counselor) Remember that because you are an AB Tech student, you can make appointments to speak with financial aid on the campus and receive help with the FAFSA from financial aid experts. (Your counselors are not and never will be a financial advisor) REMINDER that students are responsible for any fee or textbook cost associated with any AB Tech course taken off campus.

17 Make sure you are on the email list as well as Remind text alerts!
Scholarships Mrs. Carter will , post and text via Remind any new local scholarships. Students MUST fill out the FAFSA in October to be eligible for MOST Scholarships. Check the counseling website often and make sure to start your research now! There are a plethora of scholarships and those who put in the effort are the ones who get the most! Make sure you are on the list as well as Remind text alerts!

18 REMIND SIGN UP via text In the address bar of a text message type: Type the following code as your text and press

19 The Class of 2019 What’s Next for You?
Encourage the completion of college applications in October and November Take more college visits, if necessary (make sure to fill out the College Day Request Form) Complete FAFSA starting in October After the final school selection is made, contact schools not chosen Be organized and meet all deadlines!!!!! *

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