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ITU-T membership: benefits for the private sector

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1 ITU-T membership: benefits for the private sector
Greg Jones ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T)

2 ITU-T and ITU-D Workshop - Bangalore (India), 30-31 August 2001
Overview Benefits of ITU-T sector membership Membership categories Membership fees Application procedure ITU-T and ITU-D Workshop - Bangalore (India), August 2001

3 Influencing the evolution of the global telecommunications networks
Do you have a message to convey? Do you need to influence the direction of global standardization? Do you have existing products that could benefit from global standardization? ITU-T and ITU-D Workshop - Bangalore (India), August 2001

4 Participation in standardization work
ITU-T Sector Members can participate in all study group meetings and electronic discussion groups and present their views by submitting written contributions. ITU-T Associates can participate in the meetings and electronic discussion groups of only one study group and present their views by submitting written contributions. ITU-T and ITU-D Workshop - Bangalore (India), August 2001

5 Access to ITU-T working documents
Sector Members can have electronic access (via TIES) to ITU-T documents of general interest, databases, study group documents (reports, contributions, delayed contributions, temporary documents, etc.) and study group information exchange areas (eg. FTP areas). Upon request, they can also receive ITU-T information and study group documents in paper form. ITU-T and ITU-D Workshop - Bangalore (India), August 2001

6 ITU-T and ITU-D Workshop - Bangalore (India), 30-31 August 2001
Networking/contacts ITU-T provides a platform for meeting experts from all over the world, learning of their entities’ plans and objectives, sharing experience and information. Participation to the work of the ITU-T study groups provides access to a wealth of information not likely to be found elsewhere in this concentrated form. ITU-T and ITU-D Workshop - Bangalore (India), August 2001

7 Participate in the approval of technical Recommendations
Alternative Approval Process (AAP) ITU-T Sector Members and Associates influence the approval of technical Recommendations under AAP. See WTSA-2000 resolution 37 See Recommendation ITU-T A.8 ITU-T and ITU-D Workshop - Bangalore (India), August 2001

8 ITU-T and ITU-D Workshop - Bangalore (India), 30-31 August 2001
Increase awareness of you business amongst operators and service providers Membership in ITU-T is a means to actively take part in the Sector’s standardization work and thus secure an influence of a company's business goals and policies on the development of standards within its business sphere. Your address details and the name of your Chief Executive Officer (CEO)s will be published in the ITU Global Directory. ITU-T and ITU-D Workshop - Bangalore (India), August 2001

9 Holding positions within study groups
Sector Members may hold the positions of chairman, vice-chairman, rapporteur, liaison-rapporteur and editor within a study group or working party an Associate may only hold the position of rapporteur or editor ITU-T and ITU-D Workshop - Bangalore (India), August 2001

10 ITU-T and ITU-D Workshop - Bangalore (India), 30-31 August 2001
Access to ITU services Telecom Information Exchange Services (TIES) An account A username/password allowing access to ITU-T working documents and reflectors TIES registration TIES helpdesk Tel :        , Fax :      ITU-T and ITU-D Workshop - Bangalore (India), August 2001

11 Free and discounted ITU-T publications
Discounts of 15% and one free online subscription are granted to Member States and Sector Members participating in the work of ITU. A discount of 80% of the catalogue price on all ITU publications is granted to Administrations of the Least Developed Countries (LDCs), as well as to libraries of educational institutions (for online subscriptions and CD-ROM publications only). ITU-T and ITU-D Workshop - Bangalore (India), August 2001

12 ITU-T and ITU-D Workshop - Bangalore (India), 30-31 August 2001
Membership types ITU member states ITU-T sector members ITU-T associates ITU-T and ITU-D Workshop - Bangalore (India), August 2001

13 ITU-T sector membership categories
Recognized Operating Agencies (CV229) Scientific or Industrial Organizations (CV229) Other entities dealing with telecommunications (CV230) Regional and other international organizations (CV231) Regional telecommunications organizations (CV260) Intergovernmental organizations operating satellite systems (CV261) ITU-T and ITU-D Workshop - Bangalore (India), August 2001

14 Growing ITU-T membership
Member States: 189 Sector Members: ROAs SIOs others (including ISOC, regional, International organizations, etc.) Associates 22 New applicants: 2001: 54 (16 August 2001) : : : 57 ITU-T and ITU-D Workshop - Bangalore (India), August 2001

15 Most active ITU-T sector members
SIOs Lucent Ericsson Siemens Nortel Alcatel CSELT NEC Nokia Fujitsu Telcordia Motorola OKI ETRI ROAs NTT France Telecom BT Deutche Telekom ATT KDDI Telecom Italia Swisscom Korea Telecom Telenor Royal KPN Telia Telekom Austria ITU-T and ITU-D Workshop - Bangalore (India), August 2001

16 ITU-T and ITU-D Workshop - Bangalore (India), 30-31 August 2001
ITU Member states If the State is a Member of the United Nations: it becomes State Member of the ITU by acceding to its  Constitution and Convention. Such accession shall be made simultaneously in the form of a single document covering both the Constitution and the Convention. this "instrument of accession" is then deposited with the Secretary-General. ITU-T and ITU-D Workshop - Bangalore (India), August 2001

17 ITU-T and ITU-D Workshop - Bangalore (India), 30-31 August 2001
ITU Member states If the  State is not a Member of the United Nations: the application for membership needs to have a secured  approval by two-thirds of the Member States of the Union. After approval the procedure is the same as described above in the form of one single document. ITU-T and ITU-D Workshop - Bangalore (India), August 2001

18 ITU-T and ITU-D Workshop - Bangalore (India), 30-31 August 2001
ITU-T sector members An interested entity or organization may join the ITU-T as a Sector Member and be entitled to take part in the work of all ITU-T study groups or subgroups thereof, in other ITU-T groups and in the World Telecommunication Standardization Assemblies. ITU-T and ITU-D Workshop - Bangalore (India), August 2001

19 Rights of ITU-T sector members
May hold positions within study goups One free online subscription 15% discount on ITU publications (except electronic bookshop) Participate in approval of technical Recommendations Present their views by submitting written contributions. ITU-T and ITU-D Workshop - Bangalore (India), August 2001

20 ITU-T and ITU-D Workshop - Bangalore (India), 30-31 August 2001
ITU-T Associates An interested entity or organization may join the ITU-T as an Associate and be entitled to take part in the work of a selected single study group or subgroup thereof. Associates are limited to the study group roles described below and excluded from all others ITU-T and ITU-D Workshop - Bangalore (India), August 2001

21 Rights of ITU-T Associates
May have access to documentation required for their work; May serve as rapporteur or editor Participate in approval of technical Recommendations Present their views by submitting written contributions. ITU-T and ITU-D Workshop - Bangalore (India), August 2001

22 Membership information and Application forms
See Application and general information Fax :              Telecommunication Standardization Sector Ms Saba Imru-Caminiti Tel :         , Fax :      ITU-T and ITU-D Workshop - Bangalore (India), August 2001

23 Membership approval procedure (ROAs and other)
Submit your application, for approval, to the Administration of the Member State in which your company is based. The Administration of the Member State will then transmit the application form to the Secretary-General. If the Member State has assigned authority to the Secretary-General to approve the application, you should send it directly to the ITU Secretary-General. Your admission will become effective upon the receipt by the ITU Secretary-General ITU-T and ITU-D Workshop - Bangalore (India), August 2001

24 Membership approval procedure (regional/international orgs)
If you are a regional and other international telecommunication, standardization, financial or development organization, you should send your application directly to the ITU Secretary-General. ITU-T and ITU-D Workshop - Bangalore (India), August 2001

25 Membership fees - background
The expenses of the Union are primarily met by contributions from its Member States and Sector Members, each of which may, upon taking up its membership, freely decide on its class of contribution within a scale. The effective amount of the contributory unit is determined every two years when the biennial budget is established by the Council. For the biennium, the annual amount of one contributory unit for a Sector Member is 63 000 Swiss francs. ITU-T and ITU-D Workshop - Bangalore (India), August 2001

26 ITU-T Sector Member fees
ITU-T Sector members may choose their annual contribution with the range of 1/2 to 40 units This fixes the minimum contribution for an ITU-T Sector Member at 31,500 Swiss Francs ITU-T and ITU-D Workshop - Bangalore (India), August 2001

27 ITU-T and ITU-D Workshop - Bangalore (India), 30-31 August 2001
ITU-T Associate fees The annual contribution for an ITU-T associate has been fixed at 10,500 Swiss Francs for the biennium. ITU-T and ITU-D Workshop - Bangalore (India), August 2001

28 ITU-T and ITU-D Workshop - Bangalore (India), 30-31 August 2001
Conclusion ITU-T membership is growing Regional participation is an ITU-T priority ITU-T standards are global ITU-T membership fees are competitive ITU-T and ITU-D Workshop - Bangalore (India), August 2001

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