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FCC study – Fire collaboration WP4 Status & Update

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2 FCC study – Fire collaboration WP4 Status & Update
Workshop on fire protection for physics research facilities 20-21 June 2017 European Spallation Source FCC study – Fire collaboration WP4 Status & Update S. La Mendola HSE/SEE/XP 2-Jun-19 EDMS no:

3 WP4 Breakdown 2-Jun-19 EDMS no:

4 Description of deliverables
Lund University Fermilab Evacuation simulations of underground facilities Evacuation models for tunnel occupants in case of fire Document reviewing and comparing existing evacuation models with respect to functionalities, advantages and drawbacks. The document shall include applications of the models to FCC-hh underground infrastructures. Interaction of flows of occupants coming from different underground zones (tunnels, experiments, etc.) shall also be covered. Particular importance shall be given to the simulation of evacuation through lifts and other emergency transportation means. The benefits from use of virtual reality facilities in predicting occupant behavior during evacuation (in case of smoke in the scenarios) shall be also included in the document. Technical note providing: A list of applicable literature and standards; Experience from fire drills and other tests; Comparison between agent-based and a simplified analytical model including results of their application to specific fire scenarios; Convergence of the study in a self-developed general method 2-Jun-19 EDMS no:

5 WP4 Package break down SUB-PACKAGE DESCRIPTION STATUS Involved RU
WP4.1 Overview on evacuation modelling Review on existing evacuation models, advantages and drawbacks, comparisons Study done FNAL LUND WP4.2 Simplified models Overview on existing simplified tools such as one-dimensional evacuation models for tunnels etc., if present, their application to particle physics laboratories and their interface to other tools, e.g. one-dimensional to three-dimensional model coupling Study Done WP4.3 Advanced models Setup of a test case with one or more advanced evacuation applications that would allow the optimization of means of escape in tunnels, automated transportation means such as small trains or lifts and evacuation by staircases: interpretation of the results and preliminary discussion WP4.4 Use of virtual reality Usability tests of virtual reality resources for prediction of occupant behavior and/or training of personnel Under discussion WP4.5 Draft report and final discussions Discussion and interpretation of the current results, wrap-up for final reports on the deliverables FER-EV-1 and LUN-EV-1 ALL 2-Jun-19 EDMS no:

6 Recent / future publications
Abstracts submitted to ISTSS conference 2018 These two documents provide an overview of evacuation models available and their applications in underground facilities for particle physics research (in particular FCC) Scientific Report published at Lund University 2-Jun-19 EDMS no:

7 EDMS no:

8 1D model for smoke propagation in a tunnel
Based on the approach described in the previous slide, a probabilistic evacuation model was developed by the University of Lund and implemented 2-Jun-19 EDMS no:

9 1D simplified smoke propagation/evacuation model applied at Fermilab
EDMS no:

10 1D network (MineFirePro+) smoke propagation/evacuation model applied at Fermilab
2-Jun-19 EDMS no:

11 1D network (MineFirePro+) smoke propagation/evacuation model applied at Fermilab
2-Jun-19 EDMS no:

12 Analytical evacuation model from a cavern applied at Fermilab
2-Jun-19 EDMS no:

13 Analytical evacuation model from a cavern applied at Fermilab
2-Jun-19 EDMS no:

14 Agent – based evacuation model
This evacuation model, created by the University of Lund in pathfinder, simulates the conditions at the bottom of an experimental FCC access shaft (current configuration). It includes the presence of two lifts and simulates the use of transportation means. It can be possibly coupled with simplified 1D models for the definition of occupants arrival times. 2-Jun-19 EDMS no:

15 Further developments – Virtual reality experiments
CERN EN/STI has 3D models of the monorail robots, easily implementable in a virtual reality environment. Only the tunnel model, based on the cross section currently being discuss in the I&O working group, would need to be modelled together with the evacuation scenarios for the experiments. Concrete scientific objectives of the tests to be defined with Lund university.  From the organizational part, most likely the tests could be organized before the end of this year and would involve about 50 participants. Volunteers should be selected in a way they represent the typical foreseen FCC population. A test schedule shall also be foreseen. These tests should be accompanied by a communication campaign where they are advertised and their aim explained. Apart from the virtual reality experiments above, use of robots for early confinement and extinguishing operations is considered in WP2. 2-Jun-19 EDMS no:

16 Further developments – Wrapping up and conclusions
As discussed with FCC Management, information related to the deliverables accepted in the Institute Agreements can be taken from existing documents (no need to transcribe it into new documents); Summary of existing data (technical reports, simulations, etc.) with the transfer work towards the FCC should be provided, where not yet done. Reminder: brief report to be provided by collaborating institutes per year (1st February and 1st September) on work achieved, work still to be done, ‘showstoppers’, etc. (copy to Final drafts should be available by November 2017 for discussion at Fermilab. 2-Jun-19 EDMS no:

17 Thank you for your attention!
2-Jun-19 EDMS no:

18 2-Jun-19 EDMS no:

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