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To maintain the historic and culture that was made when the park was first established.

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2 To maintain the historic and culture that was made when the park was first established.

3 Aboriginal people inhabited the area for at least 6 000 years Fur hunters travelled through the park fishing and hunting

4 Wide spread forests Rolling hills Valleys Mountains Highland plateau

5 Highest edge is 756 meters Parries potholes Lakes formed from retreating glaciers

6 Balasim Furs Coniferous trees Shrubs Ever greens Hardwood Bushes

7 Vines Berries Wild flowers Elk Wolf Lynx Cougar Bald eagles Osprey White-tallied Coyotes Snowshoes Hares Moose Black bears Bison

8 Cougar Otter Marten Fisher Wolverine

9 The summers are warm with mean temp of 15 Winters have a mean temp of -20

10 Hiking Fishing Horseback riding Skiing Show shoeing Boating Tennis Golf

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