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Biosensor Interaction and Automation Modeling

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1 Biosensor Interaction and Automation Modeling
Mentor: Lisa Plucinski Hackett Adviser: Professor Logan Liu Chuck Wong & Vincent Chang The purpose of the study is to: Be able to analyze protein-protein interactions for biomedical applications Investigate how specific drugs and proteins interact - ex: rate of reaction, active sites Experimental Background: Working with plasmonic devices that are designed for some degree of light transmission Substrate and protein on the device will affect the quantity of light transmitted Problem: Study biomolecular interactions on new sensor using automated instrumentation Developing automation of instruments Understanding how biomolecules interact when immobilized on surfaces Research Plan: Understand protein-protein binding kinetics through COMSOL (look at kinetics of molecular binding) Use Python to study computer interactions and understand instrument control Current Progress: COMSOL: Learn how to use COMSOL Multiphysics 5.1 Model protein-protein binding kinetics on COMSOL Multiphysics 5.1 Explored how modifying experimental parameters affect the rate and extent of binding at specific points on a biosensor Python: Updated given code of a structure in Python to control the monochromator Learned pyvisa to communicate to external devices from the computer Write algorithm to select different levels of light wavelengths Future Plans: COMSOL: Go from modeling in 2D to 3D for a more realistic and accurate model Add in biosensor design as a potential experimental parameter Python: Update code to work with current version of pyvisa Write code to interface with the QImaging camera Sources: G. L. Liu et. al., Optics Express., 13, 2005. Juliri, Bala.“Controlling SP2150i monochromator with Python/PyVisa”, Bala’s Website, Sept Web. Feb 10, 2017 Image and codes sources from COMSOL at

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