Poetry and Nonfiction Review of Terms

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Presentation on theme: "Poetry and Nonfiction Review of Terms"— Presentation transcript:

1 Poetry and Nonfiction Review of Terms

2 Poetry Terms Physical parts of a poem:
Stanza -- a group of lines separated by a space. Notice whether the poem is divided into stanzas and if so, number them! Line numbers -- every 5th line marked with the number to the side (5, 10, 15, etc.) to help you locate a specific line or set of lines by counting up or down.

3 Italics / italicized words:
Italics / italicized words: words written in italics are italicized for a reason. For example, a poet may want to put emphasis on a word (I told you he was a thief!) or the poet wants the words/lines/phrases in italics to stand out for some reason. For example: Or does it explode? (from “Harlem”) “I never thought about how he felt.”

4 Poet: writer of a poem Speaker: narrator of a poem; the person or thing speaking the words of the poem. Figurative Language: not intended to be taken literally. For example, simile, metaphor, hyperbole, personification. Figurative language is intentional. Think about why the poet or author chose to use that figure of speech.

5 Simile: compares two unlike things using like or as
Metaphor: compares two unlike things; associates the qualities of one thing with another Hyperbole: an extreme exaggeration for effect Personification: Giving human qualities to something non-human. Idiom: a popular saying or expression ,often written in quotation marks “”

6 Useful vocabulary terms:
convey contrast distinguish illustrate message conclude present organize

7 Nonfiction Text Structures
Compare/Contrast Sequential (Process) Problem/Solution Cause/Effect Topical/Descriptive Chronological

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