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Circulatory, Respiratory, and Lymphatic System Notes

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1 T-Body Systems A-Circulatory, Respiratory, and Lymphatic Notes L-none E-Lab tomorrow (wear sneakers)

2 Circulatory, Respiratory, and Lymphatic System Notes
EQ: How do the circulatory, respiratory, and lymphatic systems work together to maintain homeostasis?

3 Circulatory System Function: --uses blood
to carry oxygen and nutrients to and from your cells; transports waste (CO2, urea) as well

4 --red blood cells (carry O2)
Organs Blood --plasma (fluid) --red blood cells (carry O2) --white blood cells (fight infections) --platelets (create clots to stop bleeding)

5 Note: this is still under organs
Heart --four chamber pump --sends blood thru entire body --Exercise leads to an increase in heart rate


7 Blood Vessels Arteries
--Carry blood away from heart --oxygen on red blood cells carried to body Veins --carry blood towards heart --carbon dioxide on red blood cells carried to lungs Capillaries --smallest --carry blood to all other cells --connection between veins and arteries

8 brings oxygen into the lungs
Respiratory System brings oxygen into the lungs (the major respiratory organ) Blood absorbs oxygen and releases CO2 Nitrogen from air is not used by the body Diseases: asthma, emphysema, lung cancer

9 --air then flows in becomes 2 tubes—
Organs Nose --Gases enter and exit here Pharynx (throat) --air then flows in becomes 2 tubes— trachea and esophagus Larynx (vocal chords) --vibrates to make sound from airflow Trachea (windpipe) --passageway between the larynx and the lungs --splits into tubes called bronchi

10 --split and enter lungs --branch out in the lungs into bronchioles
--tiny sacs at the end called alveoli Alveoli --oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged Diaphragm --Involuntary muscle that allows ribs to move in breathing


12 Lymphatic System (Immune) uses white blood cells to fight disease/infection absorbs excess fluid into tissues

13 Organs If you get sick and go to the doctor,
you’ll get examined to see if these are swollen Lymph Nodes --hold white blood cells --remove diseases and dead cells from lymph fluid Spleen --filters blood of dead cells --releases white blood cells Tonsils --uses white blood cells to fight infection --may become infected and need removal

14 Working Together circulatory system carries
all materials (oxygen, nutrients waste) throughout the body. Unites systems that have to move stuff.


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