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FDR and his “New Deal” Essential Question:

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1 FDR and his “New Deal” Essential Question:
How did the New Deal attempt to address the problems of the depression?

2 Desperate times call for desperate measures…
Hoover himself began to change his views… Hoover started some huge projects (like the Hoover dam) Tariffs were raised, but this backfired Hoover supported programs to help banks extend loans to struggling businesses

3 Election of 1932 By 1932, the American people wanted new leadership.
Democrat Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR) easily defeated Hoover. Roosevelt promised the American people a New Deal.

4 1932 D Franklin Roosevelt 22,809,638 472 R Herbert C. Hoover
531 D Franklin Roosevelt 22,809,638 472 R Herbert C. Hoover 15,758,901 59 S Norman Thomas 881,951 --

5 FDR’s Inaugural address
“I am certain that my fellow Americans expect that on my induction into the Presidency I will address them with a candor and a decision which the present situation of our people impel. This is preeminently the time to speak the truth, the whole truth, frankly and boldly. Nor need we shrink from honestly facing conditions in our country today. This great Nation will endure as it has endured, will revive and will prosper. So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself—nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance.”

6 FDR as President FDR only president elected to 4 terms
Brain Trust - FDR picked educated professionals from both parties to give him advice Francis Perkins – 1st female cabinet member (Secretary of Labor) Black Cabinet - Mary Bethune was in the “Black Cabinet” to advise FDR on issues involving race First Hundred Days Closed all banks for gov’t inspection – only healthy banks could reopen Began “fireside Chats”

7 Eleanor Roosevelt Eleanor was the most influential 1st lady ever
she is the yardstick by which all first ladies are measured She met with people from all over the country and was the ears/eyes of the president she battled racism and injustice nationally and internationally served as the US delegate to the UN

8 The New Deal The New Deal was FDR’s plan to help the nation get through the great depression by enacting many government programs designed to provide: Relief Recovery Reform Examples of New Deal programs include…

9 Federal Emergency Relief Association
FERA helped fund local relief efforts. However, FDR wanted to avoid government “handouts” So…

10 Public Works Programs

11 Government jobs helped people get by…
But who would pay their salaries?

12 FDR endorsed deficit spending
The government has a deficit when it spends more than it collect in taxes. This money is borrowed to be paid back in the future with interest. When is it appropriate for the government to deficit spend?

13 New Deal Programs The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation guaranteed bank deposits—this helped restore confidence in banks. Social Security Agricultural Adjustment Act Civil Works Program Wagner Act Etc….

14 Results of the New Deal Helped people get by, eased suffering
Provided hope It did NOT end the depression (WWII did) Changed role of government – Government has a greater responsibility to help people.

15 Critics of the New Deal From the Right
Conservative Democrats formed the American Liberty League – opposed New Deal as corrupt patronage politics Hoover & Republicans labeled the New Deal “socialist” & warned of loss of personal liberty Supreme Court invalidated legislation: Schecter Poultry Co. v. U.S. - declared NRA restricted intrastate commerce & delegated legislative power to executive branch U.S. v. Butler - invalidated AAA as attempt to use taxing power to unconstitutionally regulate agriculture Justice Owen Roberts

16 Critics on the Left Father Charles Coughlin created the National Union for Social Justice Claimed New Deal really benefited wealthy, not poor charged that an international conspiracy of Jewish financiers was behind Roosevelt Dr. Francis Townshend suggested a revolving pension scheme for the elderly Sen. Huey Long (the Kingfish) wrote Every Man a King & created Share Our Wealth Clubs Called for seizing incomes above $1 million & redistributing to all families Planned to run for president in 1936 Father Coughlin Sen. Huey Long


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