Job Performance Requirement 16-8

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Presentation on theme: "Job Performance Requirement 16-8"— Presentation transcript:

1 Job Performance Requirement 16-8
Placing a Patient on a Backboard

2 A A firefighter maintains manual stabilization while another first responder checks pulse, movement,
and sensation.

3 B A cervical collar is applied
B A cervical collar is applied. While a firefighter maintains manual stabilization, two other firefighters take positions at the patient’s shoulders and pelvis, reaching across the patient and grasping the patient’s shoulders and pelvis, respectively. JPR 16-8B

4 rolls the patient onto the patient’s side.
C On the command of the firefighter, while maintaining manual stabilization, the team rolls the patient onto the patient’s side. JPR 16-8C

5 D One firefighter places the backboard under
the patient with the bottom of the backboard at the patient’s knees. JPR 16-8D

6 E On command, the team rolls the patient back
onto the backboard, and the patient is pulled up to the center of the board using a long axis drag. JPR 16-8E

7 F Once the patient is centered on the backboard, the firefighter secures the patient to the backboard and reassesses distal pulses, movement, and sensation. JPR 16-8F

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