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Radiation Safety Information Management System (RASIMS)

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Presentation on theme: "Radiation Safety Information Management System (RASIMS)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Radiation Safety Information Management System (RASIMS)

2 Thematic Safety Areas (TSAs) RASIMS Demonstration E-learning
18 May 2019 CONTENTS What is RASIMS? Thematic Safety Areas (TSAs) RASIMS Demonstration E-learning

3 18 May 2019 What is RASIMS?

4 Radiation Safety Information Management System
18 May 2019 Radiation Safety Information Management System

5 RASIMS What is RASIMS? RASIMS is a web-based platform that enables Member States and the IAEA Secretariat to jointly collect, analyse and view information regarding the national infrastructure for radiation, transport and waste safety

6 Radiation Waste and Safety Infrastructure Profile (RaWaSIPs)
Radiation and Waste Safety Infrastructure Profiles (RaWaSIPs) provide a summary of information on the radiation and waste safety infrastructure in Member States receiving Agency assistance. Member States that receive assistance from IAEA are obliged to meet several ‘conditions’, one of these being that they apply IAEA Safety Standards*. * Note: Although IAEA Safety Standards are generally non-binding on MS, those MS that receive assistance from the Agency are obliged to apply the Safety Standards, e.g.: through the ‘Revised Supplementary Agreement’

7 Uses of RASIMS In this context, RASIMS is used for a range of purposes, including: During the ‘radiation safety clearance’ process prior to the provision of radiation sources to Member States During the design of technical cooperation (TC) projects (National and Regional) to ensure they are based on identified safety needs In general, to provide an overview of States’ progress in applying IAEA’s safety standards (e.g.: when preparing for IAEA missions, briefs for IAEA Management, etc)

8 Role based system RASIMS is a role-based system. This means that only people with a user-name and password have access to the system, and only certain people have permission to add and edit the information For reasons of confidentiality, people in Member States can see only their own national information

9 Who has access? Role based system
Information is verified by both, the National ‘RASIMS Coordinator’ and the respective IAEA Technical Officer National Counterparts (Edit rights) RASIMS coordinators (Edit and Endorse) National Liaison Officer (View rights) IAEA Technical Officers (Edit and Publish) IAEA Staff (view rights)

10 RASIMS Coordinators IAEA Note Verbal Requested Member States to nominate a senior regulator to be the national coordinator for RASIMS ( )

11 Radiation Waste and Safety Infrastructure Profile (Example)
Textual information describes how the States are complying with IAEA requirements for each Thematic Safety Area (TSA) Supporting/verification documentation (e.g.: laws, regulations etc) are uploaded into RASIMS All additions, deletions, changes and previous versions are retained

12 National Performance Indicators
This page shows the average status of the National performance indicators (PI's) for each Thematic Safety Area (TSA). ‘Green’ Status = This State is on the way to achieving a robust and functioning infrastructure, although some improvements are still needed ‘Yellow’ Status = This State has made progress towards establishing an infrastructure but further improvements are needed in several areas ‘Red’ Status = This State has made little progress and needs to make extensive improvements (or no information is available)

13 Assessment of Radiation Safety Infrastructure
Relevant Safety Standard(s) Compared against Information in RASIMS

14 Regional ‘descriptive’ overview
The ‘Regional View’ provides overview descriptive information for Member States in the Region, per Thematic Safety Area

15 Regional overview of performance indicators
The ‘Regional View’ provides information and comparison of PI’s for Member States in the Region, per Thematic Safety Area

16 Updating TSA Profiles in RASIMS: Why is this so important?
Procurement of sources and equipment Information in RASIMS is used by NSRW in the clearance process prior to procurement of sources and equipment to MS Incorrect /inadequate information can lead to the incorrect denial of procurement Design of projects to implement the Safety Standards Accurate data in RASIMS is needed to justify and support TC project concepts Approval to send TC projects to the Board Projects involving sources or equipment will not be submitted to the Board unless there is adequate radiation safety infrastructure in the MS Incorrect /inadequate information can lead to projects not being submitted to the Board

17 Sources of Information
From the Member States: Self assessment Questionnaires on infrastructure Country Status Reports (coordination Meetings) Country Programme Framework (CPF) Other relevant information made available or sent to the IAEA officially From the Agency: Appraisal missions Experts and Staff missions (specific areas) Topical overview reports (RM) Reports of investigations into accidents or incidents Others

18 Thematic Safety Areas (TSAs)
18 May 2019 Thematic Safety Areas (TSAs) (TSA 7)

19 Framework for collecting and categorizing information in RASIMS
Information in RASIMS is collated in ‘Thematic Safety Areas’ – which are derived from IAEA Safety Standards: TSA 1: Regulatory Infrastructure TSA 2: Radiological Protection in Occupational Exposure TSA 3: Radiological Protection in Medical Exposure TSA 4: Public & Environmental Radiological Protection (&Waste Safety) TSA 5: Emergency Preparedness & Response TSA 6: Education & Training in Radiological Protection TSA 7 : Transport Safety

20 Transport Safety (TSA 7)
18 May 2019 It includes 12 Elements: Legal Framework for Safe Transport of Radioactive Material Design Assessment of all radioactive materials and packages Manufacture of materials and packagings Examination of maintenance and servicing arrangements Non-compliance investigations and enforcement actions Emergency response planning and preparation Transport Radiation Protection Programmes Inspection of transport operations Training and distribution of information Issuing of approvals International/National liaison and cooperation Management systems for transport

21 18 May 2019 CONTENTS RASIMS Demonstration E-learning

22 Radiation Safety Information Management System (RASIMS)
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